Master's degree programmes 2021 - 2022
(students with italian degree)
PROCEDURe for applicants from politecnico di torino
Before enrolling in a Master’s degree programme you need to have earned your Bachelor’s degree (Student status: GRADUATED).
Follow these steps:
  1. confirm the data previously entered in your application;
  2. click the button “Procedi con l’immatricolazione/Enrol” on the Apply@polito platform -  Evaluations section;
  3. pay the first instalment of your tuition fees as indicated in the Tuition Fee Guide 2021/22.
Payment methods are the following:
a. Credit cards (or other payment methods available on the PagoPA platform) generating an immediate payment;
b. Pre-printed notice of payment (MAV on the PagoPA platform), generating a deferred payment. The use of a deferred payment method at point 2 is valid solely and exclusively if it is supported by a self-declaration of the payment date certifying that the payment was made before the deadline and in the Italian territory. This declaration must be submitted by the same deadline. Should the self-declaration be found to be false or incorrect, the first phase of online enrolment will be cancelled and the applicant will lose the right to enrol at Politecnico for the academic year 2021/22.
At the end of the payment phase, the system will show your student ID number and the access credentials to log in to your personal page of the Teaching Portal.