The Politecnico
Students - Companies - Schools
2013 - 2014
Teaching portal
Student guide 2013 - 2014 (ord. D.M. 270/04)
Nuovo ordinamento (D.M. 270/04)
Student guide 2024 - 2025
Student guide 2023 - 2024
Student guide 2022 - 2023
Student guide 2021 - 2022
Student guide 2020 - 2021
Student guide 2019 - 2020
Student guide 2018 - 2019
Student guide 2017 - 2018
Student guide 2016 - 2017
Student guide 2015 - 2016
Student guide 2014 - 2015
Student guide 2013 - 2014
Student guide 2012 - 2013
Student guide 2011 - 2012
Student guide 2010 - 2011
Bachelor in
Location: Torino - Class: INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING (L-9)
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Politecnico organization
Politecnico di Torino is a public institution with legal status, which purposes are education, research and its spread. Politecnico di Torino contribute to develop culture and economics of Italian Country. 
Its organization and activities are executed in accordance with the Statute and the rules. 
As stated by the Statute, government bodies define goals and programs and monitor the results. Organizing and managing activities are performed by didactic, research and administrative structures. 
Those bodies and their functions are: 
  • The RECTOR, legally representing Politecnico, guarantees freedom of research and education, and the rights of students and employees.  Currently the rector, which mandate lasts 6 years, is Marco Gilli, in charge until 15/03/2018.                
  • The ACADEMIC SENATE, “contributes to the coordination and connection between didactic and research structures…”  (art. 11, comma 2, e).
  • The BOARD OF GOVERNORS , “performs strategic functions, adheres to the principle of financial sustainability for all of the university's activities …” (art. 12, comma 1). The BoG "(…) approves, after hearing the opinion of The Academic Senate, the activation or deactivation of courses and locations, Departments and structures”.  “For improving students services supplied by didactic and studies rights  PROFESSORS AND STUDENTS JOINT COMMITTEE (CPD). Its role is to “monitor the didactic activities” and the teaching-learning process, “suggest advises for didactic structures coordination”, “guarantee about students highlights on possible damaging behaviors and situations”. For the organizazion and management of didactic activities, Politecnico, in accordance with L. 240/2010, has reorganized its internal structure in Departments and Study Courses Commissions, associated to Bachelor and Master Degree courses. Even Research organization and coordination refers to Departments.  Administrative structures are organized in Areas, Services, Offices and Principals, which managers refer to the Rector and the Director-General. The Director-General is ahead of the administrative and technical structures aimed at administrating, organizing and managing general services.