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Erasmus+ Traineeship – Scholarships for Internships Abroad

Politecnico di Torino provides scholarships aimed at doing an (unpaid) internship abroad in companies, research institutes, education institutes which are based or have a branch in one of the countries participating in the Erasmus+ programme. Trainees can choose also the higher education International Relations offices only if the training activity is completely described in the Learning agreement for Traineeship. This activity should not be financially supported by any other EU programmes so that the possibility of conflict of interests or double financing is avoided.  
 The fact of receiving these scholarships gives the right to obtain the “Erasmus+ status” which offer to the trainee different advantages and benefits, such as:  
1.    the execution of the administrative procedures; the communications between the trainee and the host institution will be dealt by the Outgoing Mobility Office and the Stage&Job Office of Politecnico di Torino, according to direct contacts which help trainees in the burocracy;    
2.   the internship done abroad, previously agreed with the Traineeship coordinator, will be validated after the trainee’s return according to the credit system used.  
In particular, the new Erasmus+ programme provides the possibility of doing the internship both during the university career (Traineeship Undergraduate) and after getting BS, MS and PhD Degree (Traineeship Postgraduate). Trainees can choose the duration of the internship which can last from a minimum of 2 months to a maximum of 12 months without any interruptions
The duration must be specified while applying.    
For any further information, these are the web pages: