The Politecnico
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2016 - 2017
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Student guide 2016 - 2017 (ord. D.M. 270/04)
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Location: Torino - Class: INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING (L-9)
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Continuing students - Enrolling for years after the first: Personal Study Plan (PSP) and Annual Personal Study Plan (APSP)
The PERSONAL STUDY PLAN (PSP) / PIANO CARRIERA includes all courses and training activities that you will have to take for the entire duration of your studies, from enrolment to graduation.

The ANNUAL PERSONAL STUDY PLAN (APSP) / CARICO DIDATTICO of each academic year includes: courses insterted in the Annual Personal Study Plan of previous acedemic years for which, either, you have not passed the exams, or you have passed the exams, but the corresponding grades have not been recorded yet; plus the new courses you instert for the new academic year. The insertion of courses must take place according to the rules mentioned here below and must comply with the specific regulations of  each degree programme illustrated in the Curriculum section (Piano di studi e Programmi dei corsi).

Enrolment for the new academic year is completed when you define your ANNUAL PERSONAL STUDY PLAN by choosing the courses available in your PERSONAL STUDY PLAN.
Moreover, you are required to pay tuition and fees upon definition of your ANNUAL PERSONAL STUDY PLAN, according to the rules on enrolment type (full-time or part-time enrolment).

Students enrolled up to the 2012/2013 academic year shall NOT define the PERSONAL STUDY PLAN. They will only define their ANNUAL PERSONAL STUDY PLAN.

Credits for the final project/thesis must be inserted in the Annual Personal Study Plan of the year in which you intend to start your final project/thesis. Therefore they must be included within the maximum credit limit: 80 credits for full-time enrolment and 40 credits for part-time enrolment.

In case of subsequent registration, the final project/thesis will automatically be inserted in the Annual Personal Study Plan, but the credits will not be included within the maximum limit.

You are allowed to insert 5 additional credits with respect to the maximum limit, but this can happen only if your Annual Personal Study Plan includes all the courses/exams which are still pending for the attainment of the degree, including credits for the final project/thesis. Full-time students are allowed to exceed the 85-credit limit in order to insert the credits of the final project/thesis. For these additional credits exceeding the 85 limit, you are required to pay a fee, according to the provision of Paragraph 2, Article 6 of the Fee Guide for the 2016/2017 academic year.

We remind you that all students must complete their enrolment by following the procedure for the definition of the Personal Study Plan/Annual Personal Study Plan. You are not allowed to define your Annual Personal Study Plan without inserting any credit. Therefore the payment of tuition and fees is not sufficient to be considered successfully enrolled.   We remind you that you are NOT allowed to modify your Annual Personal Study Plan during the year, not even for second semester courses.

The possible types of enrolment are:
Full-time enrolment

Full-time students must define their Annual Personal Study Plan for the academic year with a maximum of 80 credits, including credits of the final project/thesis.  
Part-time enrolment
Part-time students must define their Annual Personal Study Plan for the academic year with a maximum of 40 credits, including credits of the final project/thesis.

Full-time enrolment
You can find the enrolment procedure for the new academic year  on your personal page of the Teaching Portal (Portale della Didattica). You have to log into “Segreteria on-line”, get access to the service named “Compila il piano carriera/carico didattico” (Fill in the Personal Study Plan/Annual Personal Study Plan) and follow the steps in accordance with the rules (courses with pending exam and overbooking - courses with precedence).
The procedure is guided and can be repeated until the deadline. It is considered completed when you define Personal Annual Study Plan.  
Methods and deadlines for the payment of tuition and fees are indicated in the Fee Guide for the 2016/2017 academic year.

Part-time enrolment  
TYou can find the enrolment procedure for the new academic year  on your personal page of the Teaching Portal (Portale della Didattica). You have to log into “Segreteria on-line”, get access to the service named “Compila il piano carriera/carico didattico” (Fill in the Personal Study Plan/Annual Personal Study Plan)  and follow the steps in accordance with the rules (courses with pending exam and overbooking - courses with precedence).
The procedure is guided and can be repeated until the deadline, but only in order to add credits (credits already inserted cannot be removed nor modified).
The procedure is completed with the definition of the Personal Annual Study Plan and the payment of the fee indicated upon conclusion of the guided procedure.  
Methods and deadlines for the payment of tuition and fees are indicated in the Fee Guide for the 2016/2017 academic year.

When to define your Personal Study Plan/ Annual Personal Study Plan:

Full-time students
  • Annual Personal Study Plan with courses inserted for the first time (courses that have never been inserted in previous years): 26th July  – 23rd September 2016
  • Annual Personal Study Plan for students at the end of their career who have passed all exams and have only the thesis credits still pending:  26th July  – 19th September 2016

Part-time students:

  • Annual Personal Study Plan with courses inserted for the first time (courses that have never been inserted in previous years): 26th July – 23rd September 2016
  • Annual Personal Study Plan for students with courses that have already been inserted in previous academic years, or students who have only the thesis credits still pending: 26th July – 19th December 2016