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Location: Torino/Grenoble/Losanna - Class: ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING (LM-29)
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Studying abroad - Mobility programmes
Studying abroad

Economic globalization and the European integration process include Universities as well. The objective of free circulation is also shared by future engineers. University systems in the engineering field differ greatly in the various European and extra-European countries, and qualifications awarded in different countries are diversified: this requires convergence and better communication among operators and university end-users, in order to foster mutual knowledge, identify training specificities, and establish qualification equivalences, when appropriate. European authorities have identified such needs since a few years and they have been implementing specific programmes aimed at fostering interuniversity cooperation and networks among universities, private companies and research centres.

A particularly interesting opportunity for students is represented by the mobility programmes, the most significant being the Erasmus+ programme for 34 countries, mainly belonging to the European Union. Other opportunities are offered for some extra-EU countries.

Mobility programmes

Politecnico di Torino has the following steering and management committees for international mobility:

  • the International Mobility Management Committee (Comitato Gestione Mobilità Internazionale), composed of members appointed by the Collegi and by the Rector’s Delegate for the ERASMUS+ Programme/Programme Countries; it also includes other members appointed by the Vice Rector for International Affairs;
  • International Mobility Committee (Commissione Mobilità Internazionale), composed of the Vice-Rector/Rector’s Delegate for International Affairs, the Vice-Rector for Education, the Rector’s Delegate for Erasmus+/Key Action 1; the Director-General; the Head of the International Affairs Area;
  • the Academic Representatives for International Mobility appointed by each Degree programme, Collegio or Training area.  

Moreover, there is an administrative service, the Outgoing Mobility Office, where students can get detailed information that cannot be provided in this Guide (learning paths, relations with foreign universities, scholarships, management of the academic career while abroad…)  

Further information is available on: