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Location: Torino - Class: ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING (LM-28)
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Italian language requirements for foreign students
Students who have a foreign qualification and intend to enrol in a Bachelor’s degree programme at Politecnico, must read the website section dedicated to International Students in order to verify if they meet the necessary language requirements.

Italian language requirements are applicable to non-Italian students who hold a non-Italian high school diploma or a non-Italian Bachelor’s degree. 
Italian language requirements do not apply to foreign students who were awarded a qualification (licenza media/middle school diploma, high school diploma, Bachelor’s degree) by an Italian school or university.

As of the 2014/2015 academic year, foreign students who intend to apply for a Bachelor’s degree programme taught in Italian, must prove to have a proper knowledge of the Italian language: this is considered an “admission requirement”. For this reason foreign students must have a certificate of Italian language (B1 level) when they submit their on-line application form for admission.

The Italian language certificate will be recorded under the student’s personal details. The Italian language exam will not be inserted in the Annual Personal Study Plan.

Italian language certificates

Politecnico di Torino accepts certificates issued by Authorities identified by the Ministry of Foreign Affair and by the Ministry of Education, University and Research:
  • Università degli studi di Roma Tre; 
  • Università per stranieri di Perugia; 
  • Università per stranieri di Siena;
  • Università per stranieri non statale e legalmente riconosciuta “Dante Alighieri” di Reggio Calabria; 
  • Società Dante Alighieri (PLIDA).
On top of the above, Politecnico accepts certificates issued by Embassies, Italian Cultural Institutes, universities or authorities, upon completion of Italian language courses with a final exam (attendance certificates will not be accepted). These certificates must include the level of the course (A1, A2 or higher, set by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).
Students need to show the original certificate to the Office of Student Services, which will register the exam and select the course to be inserted in the Annual Personal Study Plan, depending on the level.  

Students who already have an Italian certificate which is not included in the list of accepted certificates shall contact the Office of Student Services, which will have the CLA evaluate it.   

Students who obtain the Italian certificate after enrolment have to show the original certificate to the Office of Student Services to have it registered in their Personal Study Plan.
Rules concerning the Italian language course for foreign students who enrolled before the 2014/2015 a.y. are set forth in the Italian language Regulations, hereby listed for each academic year:

Rules Italian language for foreign students (2011/12)

Rules Italian language for foreign students (2012/13)
Rules Italian language for foreign students (2013/14)