The Politecnico
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2016 - 2017
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Student guide 2016 - 2017 (ord. D.M. 270/04)
Nuovo ordinamento (D.M. 270/04)
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Student guide 2017 - 2018
Student guide 2016 - 2017
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Location: Torino - Class: ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING (LM-28)
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Taking the exams

Politecnico di Torino acknowledges that regular class attendance is the primary mean that allows students to acquire the competences identified in the learning objectives. The exam at the end of each course is useful to verify that such competences have actually been acquired.

The dates of the examination sessions are determined by the Coordinators in charge of the exams from every Department. You can check the dates of the examination sessions on the Teaching Portal, under the section “Servizi per gli Studenti”/”Student Services”, on “Appelli d’esame”/”Examination dates”.

You must absolutely register for an examination session following the on-line procedure available on your personal page of the Teaching Portal. The registration for the exam is computerized.

Exams must be taken in front of the board of examiners only. The board of examiners is appointed by the competent Department and chaired by the faculty member of the course on which the student is enrolled.  
As far as currently active courses are concerned (for which classes have been normally offered during the academic year), the board of examiners is chaired by the faculty member who was assigned the task to deliver that specific course.  

In case of a high number of students, the Department might have assigned the same course to more than one faculty member. In this case you will have to take the exam with the teacher to whom you had been assigned on the basis of the criteria for class arrangements (division per alphabetical order, course choice, belonging to a certain degree programme, etc.).  

We remind you that when an examination session includes two exam dates for the same course, you can take the exam in both dates, in case of failure.    

Please note that if you have to take an exam that was already inserted in your Annual Personal Study Plan in previous years, you must take it with the faculty member who is in charge of that subject during the current year. You can check this information on your personal page of the Teaching Portal.

We remind you that you cannot take exams with any board of examiners other than the one identified by the competent department (considering the criteria for the arrangement of classes).

You are not allowed to change the faculty member (teacher) who was assigned to you.  

In order to sit the exam, you need to bring your smart card or your ID card with you.  

Please refer to the section “Calendario Esami di Profitto/Calendar of exams" in order to learn about the dates of the examination sessions.