Starting from the July 2017 Graduation period, Politecnico is going to
implement a new pilot phase
thesis is the result of the individual work of every student, who is required
to make correct use of sources. When you use a source, this must be quoted in
the text and in the final bibliography; if you use someone else’s material, you
must not present it as your own idea. Plagiarism is a criminal offence and is
regulated by Law no. 45 of 19th April 1925.
di Torino has implemented the use of an anti-plagiarism software.
anti-plagiarism service supports faculty members in correcting Master’s theses
and checking their originality. This verification has an educational objective
and is intended as a support tool for students; nevertheless, if a clear
violation in the use of original sources occurs, the student found guilty of
plagiarism will be subject to disciplinary sanctions.
We remind you that you
are required to comply with the law, the Statute and the University
Regulations. Failure to adhere to these norms will result in the application of
disciplinary sanctions by the University, in accordance with art. 18 of the
Student Regulations (Rectoral Decree no. 109 of 15/03/2016)