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Suspension of studies
Suspension of studies is a voluntary and temporary interruption of a student’s career.

A suspension of studies may be granted to students regularly enrolled in Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes (laurea magistrale/specialistica) in the following cases:
  • Enrolment in a degree programme at a foreign university: the length of the period of suspension should match the normal duration of studies and should be no less than one academic year;
  • Enrolment in a specializing course, Ph.D programme or I/II level Specializing Master programme: the length of the period of suspension should match the normal duration of studies and should be no less than one academic year;
  • Enrolment in a course of study at a military academy;
  • Mandatory military service, for the academic year in which the military service takes place;
  • Maternity/paternity, for the year in which the child is born or for the following year;
  • Prolonged hospitalization or serious and persistent health problems of the student or of a family member.  

The motivations for suspension of studies will have to be duly certified when you decide to resume your studies.

You must request a suspension of studies during the academic year preceding the one for which the suspension is requested. As a consequence, you do not have to enrol for the academic year for which you are requesting a suspension.

You can request a suspension of studies after enrolment has been finalized, only in case of maternity/paternity, prolonged hospitalization or serious and persistent health problems.

Suspension of studies can be requested only once during the academic career if this is due to enrolment in another course or military service; on the contrary, there are no limitations if the suspension is motivated by maternity/paternity or  serious health problems.

If you enrol for the first time at Politecnico di Torino, a suspension of studies can be granted only on the grounds of maternity/paternity or  serious health problems.

During the period of suspension, you will not be able to perform any career act (attend courses, take exams, prepare the Final Examination/Thesis…). You are allowed to ask the Office of University Registrar to issue certificates related to your academic career; such certificates will mention the period of suspension, but not its motivation.  

How to request the suspension of studies

The request for suspension of studies shall be made using the specific form. The request shall carry a revenue stamp; it must be addressed to the Rector and turned in to the Office of the University Registrar – Fees and Right to Education or to your Office of Student Services.

How to resume your studies

The request for the resumption of studies shall be made at the Office of the University Registrar when you renew the enrolment for the current academic year (therefore within the deadlines for the definition of part-time or full-time Annual Personal Study Plan).  The request shall be addressed to the Rector on a specific form (Resumption of studies form). Supporting documents must be attached to the request (certificate of course attendance, child birth certificate or medical certificate).

Your previous academic records will be evaluated by the competent Department. If you had suspended your studies for enrolment in another course of study, you will be able to ask for the recognition of the studies undertaken during the period of suspension. 

The request for the resumption of studies shall be accompanied by the payment receipt of 100 Euro. This amount of money will be deducted from your tuition fees in case of subsequent enrolment; otherwise, if eventually you decide not to enrol, this fee will not be refunded under any circumstances.