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2017 - 2018
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Registering for the Final Examination
After  you Supervisor confirms you thesis conclusion with a positive evaluation, you will be able to register for the Graduation period. In order to do that, you first  have to register for the Final Examination.    

Before registering for the Final Examination, you need to fill out the online Almalaurea questionnaire, available on: (you do not need to print any receipt, as Politecnico is automatically notified when you fill out  the questionnaire).
You can find further information on the Almalaurea consortium in the Student Guide section called “AlmaLaurea database of graduates". 

How to register for the Final Examination: 
  • log into your personal page of the Teaching Portal – Segreteria on-line – Iscrizione esame finale/Final Examination Registration
  • fill in all the fields;
  • pay the amount of money that will be displayed by the system (this includes the money which is still due to Politecnico)
Further information on payment methods is available in the Student Fee Guide 2017/2018 (article 18). At the end of the registration procedure for the Final Examination, you will receive a confirmation e-mail into your institutional mailbox.  

If something is wrong (for instance, if some exams have not been registered yet), you will still be able to register for the Final Examination within the deadlines (“Domanda con riserva”/“Provisional registration”).  Once the anomalies are solved, the provisional condition of your registration will be lifted, and the Office of Student Services will add your name in the list of regular graduands. In this case you will receive an e-mail confirming the graduation registration into your institutional mailbox.  If the anomalies persist, your registration will be automatically cancelled.       

You cannot register for the Final Examination if you do not have the English language certificate.     

The system will generate a PDF file containing the same information.                

We remind you that:  
In order to attain your Master’s degree, you have to meet the following requirements:
  • you must have passed all the exams included in the curriculum of your degree programme;
  • you must be regularly enrolled in the academic year;
  • the thesis module must be included in your Annual Personal Study Plan;
  • you must have paid all your tuition fees;
  • you must not have any book borrowed from the library that you have not returned;
  • you must not have a pending disciplinary sanction which imposes a temporary exclusion from Politecnico with restriction of any career act.

The date and place of the Final Examination and of the Graduation Ceremony are published on the Bacheca Avvisi/ Notice Board of your degree programme, available on the Teaching Portal and in the News Board of your personal page.

The degree certificate will be conferred during the Graduation Ceremony.     

Any justified absence  must be communicated to the Secretariat of the Collegio of your degree programme that will inform the Chairman of the Graduation Committeee.
In this case, you can have your degree  conferred in absentia by the Chairman of the Committee: you need to authorize a trusted person to collect the degree certificate on your behalf (this person will have to bring a proxy/authorization and a photocopy of your identification document).  

After the Graduation ceremony, you can collect the degree certificate  at the Office of the University Registrar and development of new services for students during opening hours or you can authorize a third person to collect it there on your behalf.  Alternatively,  you can ask the University to send you the degree certificate by post, according to the terms illustrated in the section “Degree certificates and professional license diplomas”.