ProcedureIn order to prepare
your APSP
for FULL-TIME enrolment in the new academic year you need to log into your
personal page of the Teaching Portal.
You have to log into
Segreteria on-line, get access to the service named
Compila il piano carriera/carico didattico
(Fill in the Personal Study Plan/Annual Personal Study Plan) and follow
the steps (keep in mind the rules for
incomplete courses,
overbooking courses and pre-requisites).The procedure is guided and can be repeated until the deadline. It ends when your
APSP is completed.
Final Project/Thesis credits must be added to the APSP of the year in which you intend to start your Final Project/Thesis. Therefore they must be included within the maximum limit
of 80 credits.
When you enrol for the next academic year, your new APSP will already include the Final Project/Thesis credits. This means that
they do not count towards the maximum limit.
You are allowed to add
5 extra credits with respect to the maximum limit, but this can happen
only if your APSP includes all the courses/exams which are still pending for
the attainment of the degree, including the Final Project/Thesis credits.
You are allowed to
exceed the 85-credit limit in order to add the Final Project/Thesis credits.
For these additional credits you are required to pay a fee within the deadlines
illustrated in the
Fee Guide for a.y. 2017/2018.