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Transfers from other universities to Politecnico

If you are enrolled at another University and you intend to continue your studies at Politecnico di Torino, you must consider whether to start the transfer procedure (congedo) at your university of origin or not. This is suggested in case you have already passed some exams for which you intend to request the recognition and validation from Politecnico di Torino.

Otherwise, if you have not taken any exam yet, we suggest that you take into consideration the possibility to withdraw from studies (rinuncia agli studi).

This would allow you to start a brand new academic career at Politecnico di Torino.

We remind you that simultaneous enrolment in more than one Italian or foreign university is prohibited by the law.

As a general rule, if you come from other universities, you must gain at least 50 credits (on top of the thesis credits) at Politecnico in order to attain your Master’s degree.

In order to transfer from a Master’s degree programme (laurea magistrale/specialistica) of another Italian University to a Master’s degree programme (laurea magistrale) offered by Politecnico di Torino, you need to meet the curricular and language requirements and have the personal background required by the Regulations of the degree programmes, available on the apply@polito website.

Language requirements

If you intend to transfer from another University to a Master’s degree programmne at Politecnico di Torino, you must meet the admission language requirements listed in table 1.
We remind you that any English language graded exam or any pass-or-fail examination that you might have passed while studying at another university are not equivalent to the IELTS 5.0 certificate.

How to request a transfer
    • enter the Politecnico website and register on the Apply platform in order to verify if you are eligible for admission to a Master’s degree programme at Politecnico (you can request maximum two evaluations for two different Master’s degree programmes) and for the evaluation of your previous academic records;
    • upload your English language certificate on the Apply platform (your certificate will be checked upon enrolment)
    • pay a fixed fee of 100,00 Euro for the evaluation of your previous academic records carried out by the Programme academic coordinator (referente cds): this fee will be deducted from your tuition fees in case of enrolment; otherwise it will not be reimbursed.
Evaluation of previous academic records:
    • you must wait for the outcome of the evaluation carried out by the Programme academic coordinator and for the potential career credit recognition – you can check the result in the “Valutazioni”/ “Evaluations”  section available on the Apply platform;
    • you can start the transfer procedure at your University of origin only after your admission to the selected  Master’s degree programme has been confirmed;
    • you can finalize the enrolment process only after the Office of Student Services has assessed  your previous career data, shown on the transfer documents.  After this operation, you have to enrol online, through your Apply personal page; in order to move to the next step, you must  upload a passport photo and confirm your data;
    • you must pay the matriculation fee, which is different according to the type of enrolment you have chosen: part-time or full-time enrolment (see the Tuition Fee Guide 2017/2018). You must deduct from the matriculation fee the sum of 100 Euro which you had already paid;
    • the system will provide you with your student number and an appointment with the Office of Student Services (the date can be modified) for the verification of your admission documents and the collection of your Smart Card.