Politecnico can recognize 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10 or 12 academic credits (ECTS) depending on the kind of activity. Politecnico can recognize more than one activity during the course of your studies.
If you are going to participate or have participated in external learning activities (training courses, workshops, Summer or Winter Schools,…) which are relevant and coherent with your educational path, you can ask for the recognition of this activity. The request shall be made through a specific procedure called ‘Approvazione attività esterne’/Approval of external activities, available under the Segreteria on line section of your personal page.
You will have to upload the activity supporting documents (agenda, contents and duration). The Programme Academic Coordinator will decide whether to accept your request and how many credits you will be granted.
COMPETITIVE SPORTING ACTIVITIES (3 CFU) Politecnico can recognize up to a maximum of 3 academic credits, only one time during the entire duration of your studies (Bachelor’s or Master’s degree programme).
If you achieve outstanding results in competitive sporting activities while you are studying at the university, you can ask for the recognition of this activity at any time of your academic career. The request shall be made through a specific procedure called ‘Approvazione attività esterne’/ Approval of external activities, available under the "Segreteria on line" section of your personal page.
As a general rule, the term “outstanding results in competitive sporting activities” refers to: a) athletes called into the Italian national team of disciplines which have a federation approved by CONI and are recognized as Olympic sports. b) absolute champions or champions of division in Italian championships, or medalists in European /World championships in one of the disciplines that have a federation approved by CONI and are recognized as Olympic sports. c) athletes, couches or referees who have participated in top level national and international championships. STUDENT TEAM ACTIVITIESPolitecnico can recognize 3, 6 or 12 academic credits, only one time during the Bachelor’s degree programme and only one time during the Master’s degree programme. If you are actively involved in a student team, you can ask for the recognition of this activity. The request shall be made through a specific procedure called ‘Approvazione attività esterne’/Approval of external activities, available under the Segreteria on line section of your personal page. The team leader will have to certify the nature of your collaboration and the amount of time that you have dedicated to it. On the basis of such information the Faculty member in charge of your Personal Study Plan (referente del piano carriera) will decide whether to accept your request and how many credits you will be granted. Further information on Student teams is available on: https://didattica.polito.it/team_studenteschi.html