(2018 - 2019)
Bachelor's degree programme in
Location: Torino
Single course enrolment for unfulfilled language requirement for Master’s admissions
If you do not meet the language requirements for admission to a Master’s degree programme by the closing date for enrolment in first semester, you can enrol in single courses. In this case you can enrol in the courses offered in the first semester of the first year of the Master’s degree programme for which you have been denied admission.
How to enrol to Single courses
To check the outcome of your admission application – which was rejected because you did not have the required English language certificate (IELTS or other certificate accepted in substitution for IELTS) (Valutazioni/Evaluations section)
  •  go to your Apply@polito personal page;
  • click on Enrol in single courses;
  • click on Riepilogo e Conferma to confirm your single course enrolment (you can enrol in the courses which are offered in the first semester of the first year of your chosen Master’s degree programme);
  • complete the enrolment process by 9th November 2018 (Valutazioni/Evaluations section).
As soon as you get your English language certificate you will be able to enrol in your Master’s degree programme in first semester of a.y. 2018/19. Politecnico will automatically validate the courses you have already attended.    
You can  enrol by 29th March 2019 from your personal page of the Teaching Portal (as a student enrolled in single courses): Segreteria online/Apply@polito/Valutazioni – Evaluation/Procedi con l’immatricolazione a questo corso - Enrol in this course.
The English language certificate must be registered on your personal page, in order to proceed with the Master's enrolment:
  1. if you get your IELTS certificate through the Language Centre of Politecnico (CLA), there will be an automatic update a few days after the publication of the IELTS results;
  2. if you get yourIELTScertificate outside Politecnico, you can insert your TRF Number, available on your certificate or in the email indicating your test results;
  3. if you get a Cambridge certificate, you can insert your CANDIDATE'S ID NUMBER and CANDIDATE'S SECRET NUMBER, available on your exam registration confirmation email;
  4. if you get a substitutive certificate (among the ones indicated in this page), you must present your original certificate to the Office of Student services.
You  must complete your Personal Study Plan/Annual Personal Study Plan within 10 days of the date of enrolment.   
Upon enrolment to a Master’s degree programme, the fixed fee paid for single course enrolment will be deducted from the tuition fees due for your Master’s degree programme up to a maximum of € 334,11 (the € 16,00 revenue stamp cannot be deducted), regardless of the type of enrolment you have chosen (part-time or full-time enrolment) : 
  • full-time: we suggest you read the Tuition Fee Guide for information about tuition fee reduction;
  • part-time: we suggest you wait until all the exams passed within the winter examination session are recorded in order to exploit the yearly limit of 40 credits. Unpassed first-semester exams count towards the 40-credit limit. You  will not be charged for these course, as you already paid for them when you enrolled in  single courses.

If you do not manage to meet the language requirements by 29th march 2019, you will not be allowed to enrol in a Master’s Degree programme for a.y. 2018/19. Your single course enrolment (only first-semester courses which were already included in your APSP)  will be valid for the whole academic year 2018/19 until the end of the autumn examination session.
