(2019 - 2020)
Bachelor's degree programme in
Location: Torino
Transfer out (transfer from Politecnico to another Italian University)
If you are enrolled at Politecnico and you want to continue your Bachelor’s or Master’s studies at another university or Institute of Higher Education, you need to contact the university you want to transfer to in order to learn about thier admission requirements (admission test), transfer procedures and application deadlines. 
You need to get a Transfer Clearance Form (nulla osta) from the Student Services Office of  the university of destination. If you transfer to another University and later return to Politecnico without having enrolled at the other university, Politecnico will reopen your latest university career. After you apply for a transfer, you  are not allowed to take part in any activity or use any teaching or administrative services offered by Politecnico. 
In particular, you cannot take any exam starting from the date of submission  of your transfer application.       

Requirements for transfer out applications 
Students who enrolled at Politecnico before a.y. 2017/18
You  can apply for a transfer out if you meet the following requirements:     
  1. you must not renew your enrolment for a.y. 2018/19;
  2. you  must pay your tuition fees in full up to a.y. 2017/2018;
  3. you must not have any hold on your academic progress (for example: disciplinary sanctions, pending issues with EDISU Piemonte, etc…).
Students who first enrolled in a.y. 2018/19
You  can apply for a transfer out if you paid your tuition fees in full (if you apply for a transfer before the payment deadline for the second instalment of your tuition fees, you are not required to pay it).

CostThe cost of the transfer out application is € 66.00 (which corresponds to a fixed fee of € 50.00, plus a € 16 revenue stamp).

How to apply for a transfer out Please follow these steps in order to apply for a transfer to another University:
  • log into your personal page of the Teaching Porta – Online Services tab;
  • select the Transfer out application portlet;
  • enter the name of the university and degree programme you want to transfer to;
  • upload the “Clearance Form” (nulla osta) received from the university of destination (only if the programme you are transferring to is capped to a limited number of students);
  • follow the instructions to pay the amount due to Politecnico;
  • make your payment;
  • submit your application.
Politecnico will check your application and during this phase your application has a “confirmation pending” status. At the end of this phase, your transfer form will be sent to the university of destination.  Politrecnico will inform you by e-mail when your transfer is confirmed.