(2021 - 2022)
Bachelor's degree programme in
COMPUTER ENGINEERING (change programme)
Location: Torino
Advancing your Master's courses
If you are enrolled in a Bachelor’s degree programme at Politecnico and you are going to graduate after the October 2021 Graduation period (December 2021 or March 2022), you can advance some exams belonging to your future Master’s degree programme and take them during your Bachelor’s studies. You can anticipate ONLY first-semester courses of your Master’s first year, and only if you meet the following requirements:  

  • you have been admitted to a Master’s degree programme (we remind you that you can apply for admission if you have earned at least 140 credits at Bachelor’s level)
  • you have a maximum of 23 unearnedcredits before graduation (including the foreign language exam and the Final Project) at the end of the Fall examination session (September) + you have the average grade required for admission to a Master's degree programme  (admission requirements)
You can apply for admission to a Master’s degree programme and advance some of your Master’s courses even if you do not have a language certificate yet (and your Apply@polito page displays the following message «Language requirements unfulfilled»).
If you are going to graduate in September and October, you DO NOT need to create your PSP/APSP for the new academic year and you should not advance any Master's course.  If you are admitted to a Master's degree programme, a section called "Insegnamenti/Courses" will become available on your Apply@polito page. From this section, you will be able to choose your courses. The teaching material and class timetable of the courses you have selected will be visible on your personal page of the Teaching Portal.
After graduation, you will be able to enrol in your Master’s degree programme and fill in the corresponding PSP/APSP. 
  • Submit your application for admission to your Master's degree programme through the Apply@polito platform. You can apply for a maximum of two Master's degree programmes. If you apply for a Master’s degree programme taught both in English and in Italian, it won’t be counted as 2 programmes, but as a single choice  (eg. Ingegneria Meccanica + Mechanical Engineering = 1 choice)
  • Wait for the outcome of the admission process. If you have been admitted to the Master’s degree programme/s you have selected, you can advance some exams belonging to your future Master’s degree programme. You are allowed to advance all courses belonging to the Master’s degree programmes (and all Specialist Pathways available within the Master's degree programme) you have applied for. This means that if you have applied for two programmes, you can add the courses of both programmes to your APSP. Advancing your Master’s courses IS NOT equivalent to enrolling in a Master’s degree programme. Enrolment will be possible only after you earn your  Bachelor’s degree.
  • Log in to your personal page of the Teaching portal  - Online services TAB - Create your PSP/APSP portlet: here you will visualize the Master’s courses that can be included in your APSP (they will not be displayed in your PSP). They will be marked in violet. You will have to drag and drop them into your APSP.
For more information on how to create your Personal Study Plan, please read the chapter on "Creating your PSP" of the Student Guide 2021/2You are allowed to add your Master's courses to your APSP even if you do not meet the 23-credit requirement at the time you create your APSP because the Office of Student Services will verify if you meet this requirement in October after all exam grades are registered in your transcript.  If you still have more than 23 credits unearned to graduation after this check, your Master's courses will be deleted from your APSP. You must create your APSP with advanced Master's courses by the deadlines. If you are not sure whether you are going to graduate in October or March, we recommend you create your APSP by the deadline in any case (without enrolling). By doing so, you make sure that you will be able to advance your Master's courses even if you do not graduate in October.
You can choose between two different enrolment workloads for your APSP:
  • full-time enrolment: you can include a maximum of 80 credits in your Annual Personal Study Plan including:
    • your Bachelor's incomplete courses (maximum 23 credits, including the foreign language exam and the Final Examination);
    • your Master's first-year courses offered in the first semester. If you graduate by March, you will be able to enrol in your Master’s degree programme and you will pay only the cost of the revenue stamp. You will be able to add your Master's second-semester courses to your APSP, bearing in mind that you need to stick to the limit of 80 credits per academic year. 
  • part-time enrolment: you can include a maximum of 40 credits in your Annual Personal Study Plan including:
    • your Bachelor's incomplete courses (maximum 23 credits, including the foreign language exam and the Final Examination);
    • your Master's first-year courses offered in the first semester.
    • your Master's second-semester courses, if you graduate by March and you are going to enrol in a Master’s degree programme in the second semester.
If you are going to exceed the 40-credit limit, you need to ask the Office of University Registrar to change your type of enrolment from part-time to full-time before enrolling in your Master's degree programme. For this change, you will have to pay a balance in your tuition fees. This amount must be paid before the deadlines available in the Tuition Fee Guide 2021/22.
We remind you that advancing some of your future Master's courses does NOT mean that you will be automatically enrolled in the programme after getting your Bachelor's degree. You will have to complete the enrolment process from the EVALUATIONS section of the Apply@polito platform by 31 March 2022.
Enrolment will be possible after your graduation grade is recorded in your transcript (Student status: GRADUATED). After completing the enrolment process, you will have 10 days to create your Master's PSP/APSP taking into account that:
  • if you wish to delete from your PSP some of the courses that you had previously advanced (because you do no longer want to take them), you need to contact the Office of Student Services which will delete them;
  • you are not allowed to add any first-semester course that has not been originally advanced unless they are courses offered through video lectures, marked with a green video camera on the course catalogue page;
  • you are allowed to include also second-semester courses of your Master's second year.

Important! If you are going to graduate in March, you are allowed to select your second-semester courses of your Master's first year while you are waiting to enrol in the programme. You can select these courses from the "Courses" section of your  Apply@polito personal page. After selecting and saving them on the Apply platform, they will be visible in the OTHER COURSES section of your personal page of the Teaching Portal (this section is located under the APSP). 
Please note that:
  • Master’s courses can be advanced one time only during the entire duration of your Bachelor’s degree programme.         
  • If you have advanced some Master’s courses but you do no longer meet the requirements for this operation, these courses will be automatically deleted from your APSP.
  • Courses that have been advanced (attended but not passed and/or passed and registered) will be automatically transferred to your Master’s APSP.
  • You are not allowed to advance any Master's course offered in the second semester.
  • If you have advanced some Master’s courses, but do not get your Bachelor’s degree by March, these courses will remain in your APSP and you will be able to take the corresponding exams during the summer and autumn examination sessions.
  • If you pass the English language exam in the September IELTS session, the English credits will not count towards the limit of unearned credits allowed for advancing Master’s courses (max. 23 unearned credits).
  • Internships (already included in your APSP in previous academic years) recorded in your transcript before 31st December will not count towards the limit of unearned credits allowed for advancing Master’s courses (max. 23 unearned credits). 
  • If you have advanced some Master's courses and later decide to enrol in a different Master’s degree programme, you will not be able to include any new first-semester course in your APSP (except for courses with video lectures - the list of these courses is available in the course catalogue page and they are identified with the symbol of a green video camera).
  • Starting from the a.y. 2022/23 to access all the Master's degree programmes it will be necessary to possess the IELTS certificate level 5.5 (or equivalent certificates) listed in this table in order to assess your knowledge of English (B2 level). Those who had advanced the master's courses in the a.y. 2021/22 but had failed to enrol within the deadline for a.y. 2021/22, in order to enroll the next a.y. will have to submit the IELTS certificate level 5.5 (or equivalent certificates), because the level 5.0 will not be enough.