Master's degree programmes 2018 - 2019
(students with italian degree)
Suitable academic performance
ADMISSIONS A.Y. 2018/2019
Candidates enrolled at Politecnico di Torino after a.y. 2007/2008 
You can be admitted to Politecnico if:  
  • you have completed your Bachelor’s degree in 4 years or less(1), regardless of your average grade;    
  • you have completed your Bachelor’s degree in more than 4 years(1) but less than 5 years(1), with a weighted average grade of all the exams(2)  equal to or greater than 21/30.  
  • you  have completed your Bachelor’s degree  in more than 5 years, with a weighted average grade(2) equal to or greater than 24/30.    
The weighted average grade is calculated on all accrued course credits (graded on a scale of 30) (2) counting towards the achievement of the Bachelor’s degree, after having subtracted the worst 28 credits (these 28 credits will not be subtracted in case of  career credit recognition).  The duration of your university career is calculated on the basis of the number of academic years you have been enrolled for, starting from your first enrolment in the Italian university system:  
  • for full-time students: the duration coincides with the number of academic years of enrolment
  • for part-time students: every year of enrolment is counted as half year
In the event of career credit recognition, the duration of your university career must be increased proportionally to the number of credits which have been recognized (10-60 CFU =1 year, etc.). The  worst 28 credits must be subtracted proportionally to the number of validated credits.     
Candidates enrolled at Politecnico di Torino before a.y. 2007/2008Your academic performance is considered suitable for admission to a Politecnico if you earned your Bachelor’s degree:  
  • before 31/12/2011, regardless of your average grade
  • before 31/12/2012, with a weighted average grade (2) greater than or equal to 21/30
  • after 31/12/2012, with a weighted average grade greater (2) than or equal to 24/30
The weighted average grade is calculated on all accrued course credits (graded on a scale of 30) counting towards the achievement of the Bachelor’s degree, after having subtracted the worst 28 credits (these 28 credits will not be subtracted in case of  career credit recognition). 
(1)you must have graduated by December in order to meet the requirement related to the average grade  (2)The weighted average is calculated as follows: ¿ (grade*credits) / ¿ credits