(2021 - 2022)
Bachelor's degree programme in
ARCHITECTURE (change programme)
Location: Torino
You need to create your Personal Study Plan (PSP) and Annual personal Study Plan (APSP) at the beginning of each new academic year. 
The online procedure is available on your personal page of the Teaching Portal - Online Services tab, portlet Create your Personal Study Plan/Annual Personal Study Plan and Enrol in the new academic year. 
You must follow the steps and comply with the rules for incomplete courses, overbooking courses and pre-requisites.
The procedure is guided. You can repeat it as many times as you wish until you get your final APSP. 
We remind you that the Personal Study Plan and the Annual Personal Study Plan for first-year Bachelor’s students are standard and include all first-year courses illustrated in the section dedicated to the Curriculum and the Programme Syllabi.
Alternatively, if you want to enrol in the first year with a part-time workload, you will have to create your first-year Personal Study Plan and Annual Personal Study Plan autonomously.
If you enrol in the first year of a Bachelor's degree programme with a full-time workload, your Personal Study Plan and your Annual Personal Study Plan are prearranged and include all first-year courses illustrated in the Curriculum of your degree programme. You do not need to complete your PSP/APSP. 
On the other hand, If you enrol in the first year with a part-time workload, you are required to complete your first-year Annual Personal Study Plan on your own.
Procedure and deadlines
1. Personal Study Plan
  • Your Personal Study Plan (PSP) - PIANO CARRIERA - includes all the courses and learning activities that you need to complete during the course of your studies, from your first year until graduation;
  • 180 CFU
2. Annual Personal Study Plan
Your ANNUAL PERSONAL STUDY PLAN (APSP) CARICO DIDATTICO - is the list of the courses that you are going to attend during the current academic year. 
You can create a full-time or part-time APSP depending if you want to enrol with a full-time or part-time workload:  
  • FULL-TIME workload: maximum 80 credits / per academic year, including your Final Project/Thesis credits.
  • PART-TIME workload: maximum 40 credits / per academic year, including your Final Project/Thesis credits. Part-time enrolment is suggested to:
    • students who need to balance study with employment, health issues, family commitments (parenting children under 5, providing care ad assistance to family members, pregnancy, high-risk pregnancy);
    • students who have less than 40 unearned credits to graduation including the credits of the Final Project/Thesis.
    • Annual Personal Study Plan with new courses (included for the first time):
      • from 28th July to 19th September  2021.
    • Annual Personal Study Plan with old courses (already included in your previous APSP) or for students approaching the end of their studies (who only have their thesis credits still pending):
      • from 28th July to 30th November  2021.
3. Enrolment
To enrol, you have two options:
  • you can enrol immediately right after completing your APSP;
  • you can enrol later. In this case, please go to your personal page of the Teaching Portal, select the portlet Create your PSP/APSP and enrol in the new academic year and click Modify your PSP/APSP.
When you enrol, you must pay the first instalment of your tuition fees (if any). 
IMPORTANT: if you use a deferred payment method (MAV), you must declare the date of your payment. Go back to the guided procedure, enter the date and click the button "Record payment". For more information on payment methods, read the Tuition Fee Guide a.y. 2021/2022.
    • FULL-TIME / PART-TIME ENROLMENT with new courses (included for the first time in your APSP): 
      • 12th October 2021
    • FULL-TIME / PART-TIME ENROLMENT with old courses (already included in a previous APSP): 
      • 30th November 2021
4. Confirmation
At the end of this procedure, you will receive a confirmation e-mail into your PoliTo mailbox.
Students approaching the end of their university studies (with only the thesis credits still pending) If you are approaching the end of your studies, that is if you comply with all the following conditions:
  • you are enrolled in a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree programme (DM 509/99, DM 270/2004);
  • you will pass all your exams by the Fall examination session (September 2021) or during the extraordinary autumn examination session, if you meet the requirements to participate in it;
  • you will have your internship registered by 31st December 2021;
you can choose a full-time or a part-time workload.
In both cases, you must pay a fixed fee amount as defined on the Tuition Fee Guide A.A. 2021/2022.
You can apply for tuition fee reduction by submitting your ISEE/ISSEU declaration. In this case, you will be charged the most favourable tuition fee amount between the fixed fee and the tuition fee amount calculated on your contribution level.
After completing your APSP, you need to confirm your enrolment for the new academic year and pay your tuition fees.
At the end of this procedure, you will receive a confirmation e-mail into your Polito mailbox. 
More information on payment methods is available in the Tuition Fee Guide A.A. 2021/2022
IMPORTANT: if you decide to use a deferred payment method (MAV), you are required to certify the date of your payment (self-certificate). You need to go back to the guided procedure and click the button "Record payment".
  • Deadline30th November 2021