You need to create your Personal Study Plan (PSP) and Annual personal Study Plan (APSP) at the beginning of each new academic year.
The online procedure is available on your personal page of the Teaching Portal - Online Services tab, portlet Create your Personal Study Plan/Annual Personal Study Plan and Enrol in the new academic year.
You must follow the steps and comply with the rules for incomplete courses, overbooking courses and pre-requisites.
The procedure is guided. You can repeat it as many times as you wish until you get your final APSP.
We remind you that the Personal Study Plan and the Annual Personal Study Plan for first-year Bachelor’s students are standard and include all first-year courses illustrated in the section dedicated to the
Curriculum and the Programme Syllabi.Alternatively, if you want to enrol in the first year with a part-time workload, you will have to create your first-year Personal Study Plan and Annual Personal Study Plan autonomously.