(2023 - 2024)
Bachelor's degree programme in
Location: Torino
If you get a B2 level English language certificate (CEFR) (with the necessary score):
  • in an internal IELTS session at Politecnico di Torino:  you will not have to make any request for the registration of the first level English language exam: the registration will take place automatically;
  • at institutions outside Politecnico di Torino: you must submit a specific request for the registration of the first level English language exam (personal page of the Teaching portal -  "Online Services" TAB  - "Language certificates upload" portlet)
In order to pass the English language exam at Politecnico di Torino, all students must obtain one of the English language certificates accpeted by Politecnico -  B2 level (CEFR) or above.
All students attending an Italian-taught degree programme must pass the English language exam (B2 level or above) in order to earn their Bachelor’s degree (graduation requirement).  
Having an English language certificate is an admission requirement if you are applying for an English-taught Bachelor’s degree programme or if you want to attend your first-year courses in English. In these cases, you must have an English language certificate (B2 level or above) when you apply online on the Apply@polito platform of Politecnico website.
Your language requirements vary depending on the year of your first enrolment at Politecnico. Please click the buttons below to find out more about your language requirements.
Students who first enrolled up to A.Y. 2018/19
Students who first enrolled in A.Y. 2019/20
Students who first enrolled in A.Y. 2020/21 and 2021/22
Students who first enrolled from the A.Y. 2022/23
The Teaching and Language Center (CLA)  offers self-study materials and activities for each level of English. All information is available on the CLA websiteand on your personal page of the Teaching Portal - Ticket TAB.
On the CLA website, you can also find out more about the IELTS sessions, registrations and exam structure.
You can register for the IELTS exam online from your personal page of the Teaching Portal - Languages TAB.
The indication of  your language certificate is shown your personal page of the Teaching Portal -  "Online Services" TAB -  "View your data and change your address " portlet- "Personal data".
More information
Information on language learning is provided as follows:
  • for information on your course requirements and academic progress (Personal Study Plan, credits, recognition of exam credits…) please contact the Careers Unit through:
    • the ticketing service, available from your personal page of the Teaching Portal (TICKET tab)
    • the front desk of the Career Unit
  • For information on language teaching and exams (timetables, deadlines, registrations, level test) please contact the Teaching & Language Center (CLA) through:
Information on the costs of the English language certificate at Politecnico are available in the Tuition Fee Guide for the a.y. 2023/2024.
If you get a B2 level English language certificate (CEFR) (with the necessary score):
  • in an internal IELTS session at Politecnico di Torino:  you will not have to make any request for the registration of the first level English language exam: the registration will take place automatically;
  • at institutions outside Politecnico di Torino: you must submit a specific request for the registration of the first level English language exam (personal page of the Teaching portal -  "Online Services" TAB  - "Language certificates upload" portlet)

fill out the online form and upload a scanned copy of your certificate (if required)
You must fill out the following fields: 
  • Language: English;
  • Family: enter the type of certificate (IELTS, CAMBRIDGE, TOEFL, etc.);
  • Certificate: enter the level achieved;
  • Certification date: date of certificate conferral.

Verification of IELTS certificates:
for the verification of an IELTS certificate, you must indicate the TRF Number present on the certificate, or reported in the communication email of the publication of the results.
Verification of Cambridge certificates:
for the verification of a Cambridge certificate, you must select on your personal page of the Cambridge website the option to share your results with Politecnico di Torino - see instructions at:
and enter the Candidate ID NUMBER or upload the Statement of results.
Verification of TOEFL certificates:
for the verification of a TOEFL certification, you must indicate Politecnico di Torino using its code (C285) when you register for TOFOEL - enter the Appointment Number.
If you did not indicate Politecnico di Torino during TOFOEL registration, you must upload a scanned copy of your certificate to the Teaching Portal to allow the verification.
For all other certificates/exemption cases present in the table of certificates and exemptions published on the website of the Teaching & Language Center (CLA), you must upload the scanned copy of your certificate. 

Considering that it takes a long time to receive the original certificate from the examination board, we recommend you to get your certificate well in advance of the deadlines.
We remind you that English language exams (graded or ungraded) taken at other universities are NOT accepted in substitution for the English language certificate.