(2023 - 2024)
Bachelor's degree programme in
Location: Torino/Athlone
Internships are offered to students as the first real chance to gain experience in the world of work. An internship gives you the opportunity to put into practice what you have learned during your studies and it will help you decide about your future professional career. Politecnico di Torino promotes internships and guarantees insurance coverage both for civil liability and occupational injuries.

Before starting an internship, you need to include it in your Personal Study Plan/Annual Personal Study Plan in the academic year in which you would like to do your internship.

The documents and general rules for internships are published at this LINK
Below you can find the specific guidelines for each degree programme.

The second-year internship, normally done abroad, is worth 12 CFU which correspond to a workload of 300 hours.
The internship, which will be done primarily in management/administrative settings, provides an opportunity to put into practice what you have learned during the previous semesters in a variety of professional fields, as well as to help you develop various skills, competencies and attitudes.
The final internship report is typically used as the basis for your Final Examination. The main expected learning outcomes are:
  • Responsibility in the execution and proper delivery of assigned tasks;
  •  Acquiring knowledge about the company and the industry at the end of the internship period;
  • Effective integration into the company and in the specific business division in which you have worked;
  • Connection of the different areas of management to the company's structure and organization;
  • Enhancement of new management skills;
  • Development of initiative, resourcefulness, accountability, technical skills;
  • Ability to work in a team;
  • Communication skills.
(a) French Chain (IPAG)
Since the internship is contained in a module that you will take in your 2nd year, at IPAG Nice, the prerequisites for the internship will be indicated by the partner university. The main part of the module consists in doing the internship in a company. It will be your responsibility to find a host company and negotiate the topic of your internship, subject to the approval of the IPAG coordinating professor. This allows you to:
  • practice how to search for a job;
  • find an internship that suits your needs and interests by taking direct action to negotiate the terms of execution and remuneration.
 (b) Spanish Chain (UIC)
UIC offers the following tools to help you search for an internship:
  • CV preparation session: workshops and review;
  • career counseling;
  • session on "How to conduct a personal interview."
  • session on "Social Media: how to have a presence on the web."
  • mentoring sessions and in-company professionalism.
  • personalized support during the search and internship period:
  • company search and deal management;
  • monitoring and support during internships;
  • mentoring sessions: implementation of a "personalized plan to improve skills."
(c) Irish Supply Chain (TUS)
In this case you will follow the standard procedure of Politecnico di Torino - untied from TUS, which does not deal with the internship in any way. You will have to fill in a training project through a dedicated platform.  
To overcome situations in which host companies/institutions, especially those abroad, find it difficult to sign the standard agreement proposed by Politecnico di Torino, the study course also recognizes activities based on direct agreements or internship/work contracts (temporary/permanent). It is essential that you work 300 hours on a specific project - without overlapping with courses/exams at Politecnico di Torino and at the partner university. At the end of the project, you must send the following documents to and to (i) a copy of the internship/work placement agreement/contract with the host company/organization (making sure that it includes insurance coverage), (ii) a 3-5 page report describing the work done, and (iii) the company tutor(s) must send (again to and an e-mail confirming the completion of the internship along with the timesheets of the total hours that you completed daily, duly signed. Once all documents have been verified, the DIGEP secretariat will authorize the Internship Coordinator to officially register the internship in your transcript. Nothing should be sent in advance nor should the contact person be asked to be listed in the agreements as a representative of Politecnico di Torino. 
You can find the instructions about the platform that you need to use to upload your internship project and to report the internship progress till its completion at
Further information on the internship is available on the web page of the degree programme:
At the end of the internship, you will have to submit a 3-5 page report describing the work that you have carried out.

Internship Coordinator: Prof. Domenico Augusto Francesco MAISANO 