(*) If you want to take the IELTS exam in the exam sessions organized by the CLA (Language Centre), you should carefully check the registration deadlines for each IELTS session. (**) Your internship can be recorded in your transcript after the "Deadline for passing exams", but it cannot be recorded after the deadline for registering for the Final Examination.
PLEASE NOTE:if some of your exams have not been recorded in your transcript yet or if you have other problems connected with the end of a mobility project, you will have to register with condition for the Final Examination before the deadlines for Final Examination registration.
Important: you cannot register with condition if you have not passed the English language exam.
You will receive an email confirming your registration with condition (your registration for the Final Examination can be considered successfully completed).
There is no specific deadline for dropping the provisional condition and it is the Student Careers Unit's responsibility to do it.