Programme overview

Electronics is the basis of modern society and of the majority of common products and services, from smartphones to electromedical instruments
You will become an electronic engineer, a highly trained professional, flexible and qualified to address technical problems in the short term. You will receive a broad education, aimed at understanding and implementing innovation in several areas: design, engineering, production, operation and maintenance of electronic systems, governance and management of laboratories and production lines, even above the electronic manufacturing sector (promotional activities, sale, technical assistance).
Due to a joint double degree with China, you can plan a study period at Tongji University in Shanghai during your Bachelor’s studies.
Moreover, you will have the chance to join a double degree Master’s programme with the United States (Chicago, special project TOP-UIC), France (Paris/Nice, Eurecom-Paristech) and Argentina (Cordoba). You will also be able to take part in a mobilty programme at other international universities.
Bachelor's degree -
Academic Year:
2025/2026 -
Italian -
Capped number of students, mandatory admission test -
Academic advisor:
Degree code:
Main Campus
Why Electronic Engineering?
The Electronic Engineer, nowadays, represent a very important figure in the working world, versatile and highly sought since that, very often, the demand exceeds supply.

What & How You will learn
An education in Electronic Engineering endorses the applicative aspects of all the disciplines involved. The study programme avoids excessive specialization by emphasizing a strong technical and basic background in the various aspects of Electronic Engineering. This allows a fast adaptation to several professional requirements, avoiding the risk of obsolescence, and allows graduates to undertand the various electronic engineer professional profiles.
Year 1 is devoted to the core engineering subjects: mathematics, physics, chemistry, computer science, together with English language.
During Year 2 you will study IT Mathematics and Physics, and you will attend courses on Electrotechnical Engineering, devices and electronic circuit. Some of the course will also be available in English.
In Year 3 you will study more in depth the practical and design aspects of Electronic Engineering and you will be able courses in English such as Applied Electronics, Measurements, Electromagnetic Fields, and Digital Systems Electronics.
At the end of your study path you are required to take a final exam based on the learning outcomes of the programme.
The degree programme is mainly Italian-taught, but some courses are also available in English.
Many courses include measurement and design labs to strengthen the interaction between mathematical models and experimental reality, which is key to this branch of engineering.
You will learn through classroom exercises, public presentations of individual or group works and, above all, by participating in measurement and design laboratories to strengthen the interaction between mathematical models and experimental reality.
International Experiences & Students Teams
Thanks to the Politong Project you can choose to attend part of the courses abroad and earn a double degree at Tongji University in Shanghai (China).
Avrai le porte aperte per entrare sia nei programmi di doppia laurea magistrale con gli Stati Uniti (Chicago, progetto speciale TOP-UIC), la Francia (Parigi/Nizza, Eurecom-Paristech), e con l’università di Cordoba in Argentina; sia nei programmi di mobilità con numerose università internazionali.
During Year 3, you can also do a company internship.
Potrai entrare a far parte di speciali Team per l'ideazione e la realizzazione di un progetto, per accrescere le tue competenze culturali, tecniche e manageriali, ma che sarà anche un eccezionale strumento di aggregazione studentesca e sociale.
Contacts, social media and reports
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