In accordance with the national regulations on enrolment in Master's degree programmes, Italian universities must verify that prospective students:
have a three-year Bachelor's degree or university diploma, or other educational qualification obtained outside Italy and recognized suitable for admission;
meet the curricular requirements,
have achieved an academic performance considered suitable for admission.
The Academic Senate and other academic bodies have identified the admission requirements and criteria for enrolment in Politecnico Master's degree programmes. These rules are illustrated in the Teaching Regulation of each Master's degree programme.
admitted pending the obligation to make up for your unfulfilled academic requirements (these are identified by the Teaching Committees). In this case, you are required to enrol in single courses before you enrol in the Master’s degree programme you have chosen. (Further information is available in the Student Guide A. Y. 2018/19 of your Master’s degree programme – Enrolment in Single Courses section).
Language requirements
The English language certificate (IELTS 5.0 or other certificate accepted in substitution for IELTS) is anadmission requirementfor all Master’s degree programmes at Politecnico.