Master's degree programmes 2020 - 2021
(students with italian degree)
Advancing your master's courses
Sustainability Design (cambia corso)
Applicants from Politecnico di Torino
If you are a Bachelor’s student at Politecnico di Torino and you are going to graduate after the September graduation period, you can advance some of your future Master’s courses and take them during your Bachelor’s.  You must read the general admission rules for a.y. 2020/21.
You can advance some courses belonging to your future Master’s degree programme  if you are enrolled in a Bachelor’s degree programme at Politecnico and if you meet the following requirements:  
  • you have been admitted to a Master’s degree programme (please note that you can submit your application for admission only if you earn at least 140 credits at Bachelor’s level by the end of the July examination session).
  • at the end of the autumn examination session (September), you only have a maximum of 23 credits still unearned (including the English language exam and Final Project) before achieving your Bachelor’s degree, and you have maintained the average grade required for admission, or, you passed the merit-based evaluation. 
If you meet the requirements for admission to a Master’s degree programme but you do not have an English language certificate (see Language requirements) you can advance the first-semester courses of the first year of the Master’s degree programme to which you have been admitted.  
If you pass the English language exam by September, the English exam credits will not count towards the ceiling of 23 unearned credits.
Any internship (if included in your APSP of the academic year before the year for which you are applying) will not count towards the ceiling of 23 unearned credits if it is recorded in your transcript before 31st December.

Please note: if you decide to advance some courses from the Master’s degree programmes in Architecture Construction City or Architecture for Sustainable Design, you could be assigned to English-taught courses (this depends on merit-based rules for course allocations). In this case, you must attend these courses in English even if do not have an English language certificate.
If you included some Master’s course in your APSP but at end of the September examination session you still have more than 23 unearned credits or you don’t have the average grade required for admission any more, these courses will be deleted from your APSP. 
If you don’t have the required average grade, you need to apply again for admission in the next academic year and wait for a new evaluation of the Admissions Committee.  
Please note that these 23 unearned credits cannot include any courses related to Laboratories or Studios/Atelier.     
If you are enrolled in your Bachelor’s degree programme for the fourth or fifth time - and if you do not longer have the academic performance required for admission AND you did not pass the merit-based evaluation - you will not be admitted to the Master’s degree programme you have chosen.
You can only advance first-semester courses belonging to the first year of a Master’s degree programme. You have the chance to advance your Master’s courses one time only during your university path.  
If you advanced some of your Master’s courses but you do not earn your Bachelor’s degree by the end of the February graduation period, you will be able to take these exams in the Summer and Fall examination sessions (since these courses will not be deleted from your APSP). 
You must add your Master’s courses to your Bachelor’s APSP following the procedure for the creation of your Personal Study Plan /Annual Personal Study Plan. The Master’s courses that can be advanced are marked in violet.
The deadlines for this operation are available in the Student Guide  of your Bachelor’s degree programme. 
If you do not advance your Master’s courses in the same year when you apply for admission, you will have to submit your application for admission again in the next academic years.