Master's degree programmes 2020 - 2021
(students with italian degree)
Language requirements
Sustainability Design (cambia corso)
Applicants from Politecnico di Torino
Admissions a.y. 2020/21*
Applicants must have an English language certificate (CEFR – B2 level). This is an admission requirement for all Master’s degree progamme at Politecnico di Torino.
During a transitional period, Politecnico di Torino accepts the IELTS 5.0 certificate or the certificates listed in the table Certificates accepted or exemptions in substitution for IELTS at Politecnico di Torino – transitional in order to assess a student’s knowledge of English (B2 level).

Important notice: in the current emergency situation, the Examination Boards are not able to organize the IELTS exam.The Academic Senate sought for a solution that could allow students to take a remote test to ascertain their knowledge of English. The test is intended for students who are about to graduate but have not passed the English language exam yet. 
More information is available on the CLA website at:
The internal English language exam is reserved for graduands who are going to graduate in July and September 2020. This exam is not accepted for admission to PoliTo Master’s degree programmes.
If you do not meet the language requirement for admission to a Master’s degree programme by the deadline for enrolment in first semester, you can enrol under CONDITION. To drop this provisional condition, you must get your English certificate by June 2021.
Extended the deadline to submit the English language certificate
On 23/03/2021 The Academic Senate has approved the extension of the deadline to submit the English language certificate for students enrolled in a.y 2020/21 who submitted the Language declaration for covid-19 to 31st December 2021If the graduation takes place before the 31st December, the deadline to submit the certificate would be the one for the registration for the final examination. 
Applicants will be able to view the certifications already obtained at the University CLA and / or registered in the completed career or nearing completion from the Apply @ polito page of the Teaching Portal.
For the purpose of admission to the Master's Degree programmes, the date of obtaining the certification is not taken into account, but only the level achieved.
* Transiently, up to the a. to. 2021/2022 to obtain the B2 level of the CEFR, the IELTS 5.0 certification or replacement certifications are considered valid.