2nd level Specializing Master's Programme in
Climate Change: Adaptation and mitigation solutions (2019 - 2020)
financial support
Politecnico di Torino offers to the programme’s participants the opportunity to benefit of 10  full participation fee-waivers and of 10 partial participation fee-waivers.
In order to be eligible for the fee-waivers, applicants must be admitted to the programme.
Applying for admission to the 2nd level Specializing Master’s programme you will also apply for the participation fee-waivers.
For more information on the selection process please visit the dedicated page.
The Selection Committee will award the participation fee-waivers to the 20 top students on the merit-ranking list published at the end of the selection process.
The 10 top students  on the merit-ranking list will be awarded a full participation fee-waiver.
They will have to pay only 19,53 Euro (nineteen/53)** for the enrolment fee and will be exempted from paying the instalments of the participation fee.
The students in the position from 11th to 20th on the merit-ranking list will be awarded a partial participation fee-waiver. They will have to pay only 2.000,00 Euro (two thousand/00) + 19,53 Euro (nineteen/53) at the time of enrolment and will be exempted from paying the advance fee and the second instalment of the participation fee.
Participation fee-waiver recipients are required to attend at least 85% of the programme (including lectures and training activities) in order to meet the criteria for maintaining the exemption. Absences for more than this limit lead you to exclusion from the Specializing Master’s programme.
At the end of the selection process, the list of the participation fee-waiver recipients will be published on the section Selection outcomes.
Participation fee-waiver recipients will have to confirm their acceptance through a declaration form, within the deadline that will be communicated (generally within 7-10 days).
In case one or more candidates will not confirm the acceptance within the given deadline, the participation fee-waiver will be re-assigned to students on the reserve list according to their position in the list. The candidates placed on the reserve list will be contacted only if a fee-waiver winner will not confirm. In this case, a new deadline will be assigned.