2nd level Specializing Master in
Navigation and Related Applications
HomeCourse CatalogOfferingSp. Master2nd level Specializing Master in Navigation and Related Applications (2016 - 2017)
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Selection outcomes e-KnoT
Applications deadline for e-KnoT scholarship: June 30th, 2016 (h 11:59 a.m., Italian time).

IMPORTANT! Since the scholarships cannot be combined, the applicants are requested to confirm their position (scholarship recipients and reserve) ONLY for one of the scholarships, sending the related form within the deadline.

The Master Committee awarded the scholarship to the following students:
Payment of the scholarship is conditional to the enrolment and to payment of the tuition fees.

The selected candidate who wish to confirm his position for scholarship is requested to:
  1. download the "Master acceptance declaration for the e-KnoT scholarship" (click here to download), fill it in and send it by email to master.universitari@polito.it by July 25th 2016. If the declaration is not received within the given deadline the candidature will be rejected and the scholarship will be reassigned to the candidate placed on the reserve list.

The following candidate is placed on the e-KnoT reserve list :
The candidate placed on the reserve list who wish to confirm his reserve position is requested to download the "Master acceptance declaration for scholarship-reserve list" (click here to download), fill it in and send it to master.universitari@polito.it by July 25th 2016. 
He will receive further information about his position after July 25th 2016. In case he was not awarded the scholarship he could partecipate to the program paying the tuition fee (€ 8,000).

We will know the exact number of participants for the 2nd level specializing master in "Navigation and related applications" only after the confirmation of all selected candidates (by July 25th 2016). 
The course will only start if the minimum number of participants required can be realized.