2nd level Specializing Master in
Tunnelling and Tunnel Boring Machines
HomeCourse CatalogOfferingSp. Master2nd level Specializing Master in Tunnelling and Tunnel Boring Machines (2017 - 2018)
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Selections process
The Specializing Masters Programme is open to a maximum of 15 participants. 
After the application deadlines, the Selection's Commission will evaluate all the applications received. 

Selections will consist in the evalutation of:

  • Curriculum Vitae;
  • Academic Results;
  • Motivation

The Selection's Commission will assign a maximum of 100 points on the basis of the following criteria:

  • Max 20 points for academic background’s coherence with T&TBM programme’s topic;
  • Max 25 points for MSc’s final grade;
  • Max 25 points for motivation;
  • Max 21 points for average grade obtained in the exams, number of years needed to get the final degree and CV evaluation;
  • Max 8 points for work experiences related to T&TBM programme’s topic (max 1 point per year):
  • Max 1 point for work experiences in a different field but in the engineering and/or geology’s field (max 0,5 points per year)

At the end of the selection process, the following lists will be published on the “Selection outcomes”  page of this website:

  • the lists of applicants admitted to the Specializing Master progremme
  • the reserve list

Candidates, who attached all the required documents, who fulfills all the requirements, and who will reach the mininum score of 60 points will see their position in the rankings and their final score on the "Selection outcomes" page, where the official lists are published. 

Please note
- Candidates who will not reach the minimun score, who will not satisfy all the requirements or who did not attached all the required documents,will not be admitted.
- Candidates who have not yet obtained the Master of Science's degree will be provisonally accepted. In case they will not obtain the degree within the enrollment deadline  they will not be admitted to the programme (approximately in the middle of January 2018).