The internship is an opportunity to gain temporary work experience and on-the-job training before entering the labour market without onset of employment relationship.
The internship is an educational activity aimed at completing university education, which allows students to get in a work environment, coming in contact with the organization, logic and business dynamics of companies. The internship allows students to develop the ability to operate independently and, at the same time, to work effectively in workgroups in a professional environment, acquiring appropriate technical language and interpersonal skills. Furthermore, the internship experience lets the student to evaluate competencies acquired during the studies and to strengthen his/her abilities to update knowledge and to adapt to professional jobs.
The internship is an opportunity to gain temporary work experience and on-the-job training before entering the labour market without onset of employment relationship.
The internship is an educational activity aimed at completing university education, which allows students to get in a work environment, coming in contact with the organization, logic and business dynamics of companies. The internship allows students to develop the ability to operate independently and, at the same time, to work effectively in workgroups in a professional environment, acquiring appropriate technical language and interpersonal skills. Furthermore, the internship experience lets the student to evaluate competencies acquired during the studies and to strengthen his/her abilities to update knowledge and to adapt to professional jobs
Students with enrolment year up to 19/20 (included)
Students can select either a 12CFU internship, according to the study plan valid at their enrolment, or a 6CFU internship, as per the rule introduced in a.y. 20/21.
The 12CFU internship can only take place in companies or public/private organizations external to the Politecnico or to other universities. Therefore, the internship at the Politecnico or other Italian universities is not allowed.
The 6CFU internship can place both in companies and in public/private organizations and at the Politecnico and in other universities.
The internship can be carried out either in Italy or abroad.
In order to include the internship in the study plan, the student shall have passed at least 48 CFU. The internship can be carried out in any period of the academic year.
Students with enrolment year 20/21 (and beyond)
The 6CFU internship can place both in companies and in public/private organizations and at the Politecnico and in other universities.
The internship can be carried out either in Italy or abroad.
In order to include the internship in the study plan, the student shall have passed at least 48 CFU. The internship can be carried out in any period of the academic year.
A 12 CFU internship is admissible but with only 6 curricular CFU, so to replace ONE course of the Free ECTS Credits catalogue.
Students with enrolment year up to 19/20 (included)
Students can select either a 12CFU internship, according to the study plan valid at their enrolment, or a 6CFU internship, as per the rule introduced in a.y. 20/21.
The 12CFU internship can only take place in companies or public/private organizations external to the Politecnico or to other universities. Therefore, the internship at the Politecnico or other Italian universities is not allowed.
The 6CFU internship can place both in companies and in public/private organizations and at the Politecnico and in other universities.
The internship can be carried out either in Italy or abroad.
In order to include the internship in the study plan, the student shall have passed at least 48 CFU. The internship can be carried out in any period of the academic year.
Students with enrolment year 20/21 (and beyond)
The 6CFU internship can place both in companies and in public/private organizations and at the Politecnico and in other universities.
The internship can be carried out either in Italy or abroad.
In order to include the internship in the study plan, the student shall have passed at least 48 CFU. The internship can be carried out in any period of the academic year.
The internship can be included in the career plan only by the professor in charge of the internships for the Degree Program, prof. Pastorelli: The student, upon reaching the required requirements, can request the replacement of two/one free courses with the internship (12/6 CFU).
The student can replace only a free subject (6 CFU) with a 12 CFU internship, equivalent to 300 hours, taking advantage of the possibility of graduating with 126 credits. It is also possible to include in the study plan, in addition to the free subjects, a 10 CFU internship, equivalent to 250 hours, taking the opportunity of adding 10 additional credits to the 120 required for graduation.
To request for the inclusion of the internship in the study plan, it is required to:
• the student has passed the required credits and he has already contacted the host company
• the student asks to the hosting company to send an e-mail to the professor in charge of the internships for the Degree Program to specify the availability to host the internship and the scheduled period
• the student has to identify an academic tutor among the Politecnico Faculty
• the student has to send an e-mail to the professor in charge of the internships for the Degree Program to specify the code and the title of the free subject (Free ECTS credits 3rd year) to be replaced and the code of the internship to be activated.
In the particular case of study plan with compulsory internship, before to start the internship, the student has to request the authorization to activate the internship by sending an e-mail to the professor in charge of the internships for the Degree Program to specify the code of the internship, the hosting company and the scheduled period.
Once the internship is included in the career plan, the student can proceed with his activation by completing the Internship Project. Instructions on the platform through which students can insert their Internship Project and track/report the internship progress till its completion, can be found at:
Information are the same for all Politecnico students. In the case of Mechanical Engineering Program at the completion of the internship the student is required to upload on the platform a short report (maximum 10 pages) on the activity carried out. The final validation of the internship and its registration in the student's career is performed by the academic tutor.
Opportunities to meet with companies and to evaluate offers for internships are provided for TIME FOR JOB events. Information to participate in such events can be found at the Career Service link ( Furthermore, some internship offers are available on the student’s web page of the Teaching Portal. The student can also directly propose a company that does not appear in the list of offers and in which he would like to do the internship. In any case, an agreement between Politecnico and the company must be active or has to be signed through the Career Service.
The internship can be included in the career plan only by the professor in charge of the internships for the Degree Program, prof. Tornincasa: The student, upon reaching the required requirements, can request the replacement of two/one free courses with the internship (12/6 CFU).
The student can replace only a free subject (6 CFU) with a 12 CFU internship, equivalent to 300 hours, taking advantage of the possibility of graduating with 126 credits. It is also possible to include in the study plan, in addition to the free subjects, a 10 CFU internship, equivalent to 250 hours, taking the opportunity of adding 10 additional credits to the 120 required for graduation.
To request for the inclusion of the internship in the study plan, it is required to:
• the student has passed the required credits and he has already contacted the host company
• the student asks to the hosting company to send an e-mail to the professor in charge of the internships for the Degree Program to specify the availability to host the internship and the scheduled period
• the student has to identify an academic tutor among the Politecnico Faculty
• the student has to send an e-mail to the professor in charge of the internships for the Degree Program to specify the code and the title of the free subject (Free ECTS credits 3rd year) to be replaced and the code of the internship to be activated.
In the particular case of study plan with compulsory internship, before to start the internship, the student has to request the authorization to activate the internship by sending an e-mail to the professor in charge of the internships for the Degree Program to specify the code of the internship, the hosting company and the scheduled period.
Once the internship is included in the career plan, the student can proceed with his activation by completing the Internship Project. Instructions on the platform through which students can insert their Internship Project and track/report the internship progress till its completion, can be found at:
Information are the same for all Politecnico students. In the case of Mechanical Engineering Program at the completion of the internship the student is required to upload on the platform a short report (maximum 10 pages) on the activity carried out. The final validation of the internship and its registration in the student's career is performed by the academic tutor.
Opportunities to meet with companies and to evaluate offers for internships are provided for TIME FOR JOB events. Information to participate in such events can be found at the Career Service link ( Furthermore, some internship offers are available on the student’s web page of the Teaching Portal. The student can also directly propose a company that does not appear in the list of offers and in which he would like to do the internship. In any case, an agreement between Politecnico and the company must be active or has to be signed through the Career Service.
Modalità di esame: Accertamento (esame senza voto);
Exam: Check;
Gli studenti e le studentesse con disabilità o con Disturbi Specifici di Apprendimento (DSA), oltre alla segnalazione tramite procedura informatizzata, sono invitati a comunicare anche direttamente al/la docente titolare dell'insegnamento, con un preavviso non inferiore ad una settimana dall'avvio della sessione d'esame, gli strumenti compensativi concordati con l'Unità Special Needs, al fine di permettere al/la docente la declinazione più idonea in riferimento alla specifica tipologia di esame.
Exam: Check;
In addition to the message sent by the online system, students with disabilities or Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) are invited to directly inform the professor in charge of the course about the special arrangements for the exam that have been agreed with the Special Needs Unit. The professor has to be informed at least one week before the beginning of the examination session in order to provide students with the most suitable arrangements for each specific type of exam.