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Elenco notifiche

Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Civil engineering (Torino)

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Strutturale, Edile e Geotecnica - Collegio di Ingegneria Civile

Visualizzazione per coorte 2024/2025


Lingua inglese

Nella visualizzazione per anno accademico vengono mostrati gli insegnamenti previsti per il dato anno accademico (esempio gli insegnamenti del 2 anno dell'anno 2019/2020 sono quelli previsti per gli studenti immatricolati nell'anno accademico 2018/2019)

Visualizza l'offerta dell'anno accademico

Nella visualizzazione per coorte vengono mostrati gli insegnamenti previsti per gli immatricolati nell'anno accademico di riferimento
(ad. esempio al 2 anno della coorte 2024/2025 sono mostrati gli insegnamenti erogati nell'anno accademico 2025/2026)

Visualizza l'offerta per l'anno accademico di immatricolazione (coorte)

1° anno 2024/2025
Periodo Codice SSD Insegnamento Lingua Crediti Docente Note Orario
1 03MNIVA ICAR/08 (8) Advanced Structural Mechanics 8
1 01VLEVA ING-IND/17 (6) Construction project management 6
1 01RVSVA ICAR/07 (8) Foundations 8
1 04PWVVA ICAR/07 (8) Rock mechanics 8
1,2 Elective courses 6
2 01VLFVA ING-IND/21 (3);
ING-IND/22 (3)
Degradation of construction materials and prevention 6
2 01RVUVA ICAR/06 (6) Geomatics 6
2 01RXYVA ICAR/07 (8) Numerical Methods in Geotechnical Engineering 8
2 02TZLVA ICAR/07 (6) Slope stability and Landslide Risk Mitigation 6

2° anno 2025/2026
Periodo Codice SSD Insegnamento Lingua Crediti Docente Note Orario
1 01VLDVA ICAR/09 (8) Advanced structural design 8
1 01VLGVA ICAR/04 (8) Transportation infrastructures 8
1,2 Elective courses 12
1,2 01VKNVA ICAR/09 (6);
ICAR/07 (6)
Geotechnical earthquake engineering/Structural earthquake engineering

  • Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering ICAR/07 (6 crediti)

  • Structural Earthquake Engineering ICAR/09 (6 crediti)

1,2 09MBRVA Thesis 18
2 01OFKVA ICAR/07 (6) Geotechnical applications for energy and environment 6

Elective courses

Periodo Codice SSD Insegnamento Lingua Crediti Docente Note Orario
1 01SQBVA ICAR/07 (6) Analysis and design of geotechnical structures and earthworks 6
1 01RVLVA ING-IND/28 (8) Excavation engineering 8
1 01VKBVA ICAR/01 (3);
ICAR/02 (3)
Hydro-meteorological risk assessment 6
1 01VKQVA ICAR/07 (1);
ICAR/09 (1);
ICAR/17 (4)
InfraBIM, Design, Construction and Management 6
1 01UDKVA ICAR/05 (1.5);
ICAR/06 (3);
ICAR/02 (1.5)
Laboratory of GIS and Geospatial Service for engineering Applications 6
1 01SAGVA ICAR/05 (6) Sistemi di trasporto ferroviari, metropolitani e a fune 6
1,2 02UEWVA Challenge 8
1,2 11INBVA ICAR/04 (4);
ICAR/11 (1);
ICAR/11 (6);
ING-IND/28 (1)
Sicurezza nei cantieri

  • Gestione e valutazione dei rischi sul lavoro ICAR/11 (6 crediti)
    (da nominare )

  • Cantieri di opere civili ING-IND/28 (1 crediti) ICAR/04 (4 crediti) ICAR/11 (1 crediti)

2 02OYFVA ICAR/04 (4);
ICAR/11 (1);
ING-IND/28 (1)
Cantieri di opere civili 6
2 01TZRVA ICAR/01 (.6);
ICAR/02 (.6);
ICAR/04 (1.2);
ICAR/07 (1.2);
ICAR/08 (1.2);
ICAR/09 (1.2)
Experimental methods and laboratory testing for civil engineering applications 6
2 01DVYVA ING-IND/28 (6) Ground improvement engineering 6
2 19FWYVA Internship 6
2 01UDPVA ICAR/01 (.6);
ICAR/02 (.6);
ICAR/04 (1.2);
ICAR/07 (1.2);
ICAR/08 (1.2);
ICAR/09 (1.2)
Laboratorio sperimentale prove e misure per l'ingegneria civile 6
2 01PPKVA ING-IND/28 (6) Tunnelling 6

Elective courses

Periodo Codice SSD Insegnamento Lingua Crediti Docente Note Orario
1 01SQBVA ICAR/07 (6) Analysis and design of geotechnical structures and earthworks 6
1 01RVLVA ING-IND/28 (8) Excavation engineering 8
1 01VKBVA ICAR/02 (3);
ICAR/01 (3)
Hydro-meteorological risk assessment 6
1 01VKQVA ICAR/09 (1);
ICAR/17 (4);
ICAR/07 (1)
InfraBIM, Design, Construction and Management 6
1 01UDKVA ICAR/02 (1.5);
ICAR/05 (1.5);
ICAR/06 (3)
Laboratory of GIS and Geospatial Service for engineering Applications 6
1 01SAGVA ICAR/05 (6) Sistemi di trasporto ferroviari, metropolitani e a fune 6
1,2 11INBVA ICAR/11 (1);
ICAR/11 (6);
ING-IND/28 (1);
ICAR/04 (4)
Sicurezza nei cantieri

  • Gestione e valutazione dei rischi sul lavoro ICAR/11 (6 crediti)

  • Cantieri di opere civili ING-IND/28 (1 crediti) ICAR/11 (1 crediti) ICAR/04 (4 crediti)

2 02OYFVA ICAR/04 (4);
ICAR/11 (1);
ING-IND/28 (1)
Cantieri di opere civili 6
2 01PGXVA ICAR/07 (1);
ICAR/09 (5)
Consolidamento strutturale 6
2 01TZRVA ICAR/09 (1.2);
ICAR/02 (.6);
ICAR/04 (1.2);
ICAR/08 (1.2);
ICAR/07 (1.2);
ICAR/01 (.6)
Experimental methods and laboratory testing for civil engineering applications 6
2 01DVYVA ING-IND/28 (6) Ground improvement engineering 6
2 19FWYVA Internship 6
2 01UDPVA ICAR/01 (.6);
ICAR/02 (.6);
ICAR/04 (1.2);
ICAR/07 (1.2);
ICAR/08 (1.2);
ICAR/09 (1.2)
Laboratorio sperimentale prove e misure per l'ingegneria civile 6
2 01VLBVA ICAR/04 (6) Metodi e tecnologie per la manutenzione delle infrastrutture viarie 6
2 01UWGVA ICAR/07 (3);
ICAR/20 (3)
Seismic risk and spatial planning 6
2 01PPKVA ING-IND/28 (6) Tunnelling 6


1° anno 2024/2025
Periodo Codice SSD Insegnamento Lingua Crediti Docente Note Orario
1 03MNIVA ICAR/08 (8) Advanced Structural Mechanics 8
1 01VLEVA ING-IND/17 (6) Construction project management 6
1 01VKBVA ICAR/01 (3);
ICAR/02 (3)
Hydro-meteorological risk assessment 6
1 01VLGVA ICAR/04 (8) Transportation infrastructures 8
1,2 Elective courses 6
2 01VLFVA ING-IND/21 (3);
ING-IND/22 (3)
Degradation of construction materials and prevention 6
2 01RVUVA ICAR/06 (6) Geomatics 6
2 01VKCVA ICAR/01 (4);
ICAR/02 (4)
Hydraulic design and hydropower plants 8
2 01VKGVA ICAR/02 (3);
ICAR/01 (3)
Urban water drainage 6

2° anno 2025/2026
Periodo Codice SSD Insegnamento Lingua Crediti Docente Note Orario
1 01VLDVA ICAR/09 (8) Advanced structural design 8
1 01RVSVA ICAR/07 (8) Foundations 8
1 01VKUVA ICAR/02 (4);
ICAR/01 (4)
River engineering and restoration 8
1,2 Elective courses 12
1,2 09MBRVA Thesis 18
2 01VKRVA ICAR/02 (3);
ICAR/02 (3);
ICAR/01 (3);
ICAR/01 (3)
Civil and industrial hydraulic systems/Water resources planning and management

  • Civil and industrial hydraulic systems ICAR/01 (3 crediti) ICAR/02 (3 crediti)

  • Water resources planning and management ICAR/01 (3 crediti) ICAR/02 (3 crediti)


Elective courses

Periodo Codice SSD Insegnamento Lingua Crediti Docente Note Orario
1 01SQBVA ICAR/07 (6) Analysis and design of geotechnical structures and earthworks 6
1 01UCJVA ICAR/01 (6) Environmental fluid mechanics 6
1 01VKQVA ICAR/07 (1);
ICAR/09 (1);
ICAR/17 (4)
InfraBIM, Design, Construction and Management 6
1 06BHXVA ICAR/03 (4);
ING-IND/30 (4)
Ingegneria degli acquiferi 8
1 01UDKVA ICAR/05 (1.5);
ICAR/06 (3);
ICAR/02 (1.5)
Laboratory of GIS and Geospatial Service for engineering Applications 6
1 04PWVVA ICAR/07 (8) Rock mechanics 8
1 01SAGVA ICAR/05 (6) Sistemi di trasporto ferroviari, metropolitani e a fune 6
1,2 02UEWVA Challenge 8
1,2 11INBVA ICAR/04 (4);
ICAR/11 (1);
ICAR/11 (6);
ING-IND/28 (1)
Sicurezza nei cantieri

  • Gestione e valutazione dei rischi sul lavoro ICAR/11 (6 crediti)
    (da nominare )

  • Cantieri di opere civili ING-IND/28 (1 crediti) ICAR/04 (4 crediti) ICAR/11 (1 crediti)

2 02OYFVA ICAR/04 (4);
ICAR/11 (1);
ING-IND/28 (1)
Cantieri di opere civili 6
2 01TZRVA ICAR/01 (.6);
ICAR/02 (.6);
ICAR/04 (1.2);
ICAR/07 (1.2);
ICAR/08 (1.2);
ICAR/09 (1.2)
Experimental methods and laboratory testing for civil engineering applications 6
2 01OFKVA ICAR/07 (6) Geotechnical applications for energy and environment 6
2 19FWYVA Internship 6
2 01UDPVA ICAR/01 (.6);
ICAR/02 (.6);
ICAR/04 (1.2);
ICAR/07 (1.2);
ICAR/08 (1.2);
ICAR/09 (1.2)
Laboratorio sperimentale prove e misure per l'ingegneria civile 6
2 02TZLVA ICAR/07 (6) Slope stability and Landslide Risk Mitigation 6
2 01PPKVA ING-IND/28 (6) Tunnelling 6

Elective courses

Periodo Codice SSD Insegnamento Lingua Crediti Docente Note Orario
1 01SQBVA ICAR/07 (6) Analysis and design of geotechnical structures and earthworks 6
1 01UCJVA ICAR/01 (6) Environmental fluid mechanics 6
1 01VKQVA ICAR/09 (1);
ICAR/17 (4);
ICAR/07 (1)
InfraBIM, Design, Construction and Management 6
1 06BHXVA ICAR/03 (4);
ING-IND/30 (4)
Ingegneria degli acquiferi 8
1 01UDKVA ICAR/02 (1.5);
ICAR/05 (1.5);
ICAR/06 (3)
Laboratory of GIS and Geospatial Service for engineering Applications 6
1 01SAGVA ICAR/05 (6) Sistemi di trasporto ferroviari, metropolitani e a fune 6
1 02VKOVA ICAR/09 (6) Structural Earthquake Engineering 6
1,2 11INBVA ICAR/11 (1);
ICAR/11 (6);
ING-IND/28 (1);
ICAR/04 (4)
Sicurezza nei cantieri

  • Gestione e valutazione dei rischi sul lavoro ICAR/11 (6 crediti)

  • Cantieri di opere civili ING-IND/28 (1 crediti) ICAR/11 (1 crediti) ICAR/04 (4 crediti)

2 02OYFVA ICAR/04 (4);
ICAR/11 (1);
ING-IND/28 (1)
Cantieri di opere civili 6
2 01RXGVA ING-IND/11 (6) Energy Audit and certification of buildings 6
2 01TZRVA ICAR/09 (1.2);
ICAR/02 (.6);
ICAR/04 (1.2);
ICAR/08 (1.2);
ICAR/07 (1.2);
ICAR/01 (.6)
Experimental methods and laboratory testing for civil engineering applications 6
2 01OFKVA ICAR/07 (6) Geotechnical applications for energy and environment 6
2 19FWYVA Internship 6
2 01UDPVA ICAR/01 (.6);
ICAR/02 (.6);
ICAR/04 (1.2);
ICAR/07 (1.2);
ICAR/08 (1.2);
ICAR/09 (1.2)
Laboratorio sperimentale prove e misure per l'ingegneria civile 6
2 01UCKVA ICAR/02 (3);
ICAR/03 (3)
Renewable energy resources 6
2 02TZLVA ICAR/07 (6) Slope stability and Landslide Risk Mitigation 6
2 01PPKVA ING-IND/28 (6) Tunnelling 6


1° anno 2024/2025
Periodo Codice SSD Insegnamento Lingua Crediti Docente Note Orario
1 03MNIVA ICAR/08 (8) Advanced Structural Mechanics 8
1 01VLDVA ICAR/09 (8) Advanced structural design 8
1 01VJYVA ICAR/04 (8) Construction of transportation infrastructures 8
1 01VLEVA ING-IND/17 (6) Construction project management 6
1,2 Elective courses 6
2 01VLFVA ING-IND/21 (3);
ING-IND/22 (3)
Degradation of construction materials and prevention 6
2 01RVUVA ICAR/06 (6) Geomatics 6
2 01RYCVA ICAR/04 (6) Design of Transportation Infrastructures 6
2 01VKEVA ICAR/05 (8) Transport economy and technique 8

2° anno 2025/2026
Periodo Codice SSD Insegnamento Lingua Crediti Docente Note Orario
1 01RVSVA ICAR/07 (8) Foundations 8
1 01TZOVA ICAR/04 (8) Pavement and track engineering 8
1,2 Elective courses 12
1,2 09MBRVA Thesis 18
1,2 02VKVVA ICAR/05 (6);
ICAR/05 (4);
ING-INF/05 (2)
Transport systems and data analytics/Transport planning

  • Transport systems and data analytics ICAR/05 (4 crediti) ING-INF/05 (2 crediti)

  • Transport Planning ICAR/05 (6 crediti)

2 01VKXVA ICAR/04 (6) Management and safety of transportation infrastructures 6

Elective courses

Periodo Codice SSD Insegnamento Lingua Crediti Docente Note Orario
1 01SQBVA ICAR/07 (6) Analysis and design of geotechnical structures and earthworks 6
1 01VKBVA ICAR/01 (3);
ICAR/02 (3)
Hydro-meteorological risk assessment 6
1 01VKQVA ICAR/07 (1);
ICAR/09 (1);
ICAR/17 (4)
InfraBIM, Design, Construction and Management 6
1 01UDKVA ICAR/05 (1.5);
ICAR/06 (3);
ICAR/02 (1.5)
Laboratory of GIS and Geospatial Service for engineering Applications 6
1 01HIIVA ICAR/05 (6) Osservazione, simulazione e regolazione del traffico 6
1 04PWVVA ICAR/07 (8) Rock mechanics 8
1 01SAGVA ICAR/05 (6) Sistemi di trasporto ferroviari, metropolitani e a fune 6
1,2 02UEWVA Challenge 8
1,2 11INBVA ICAR/04 (4);
ICAR/11 (1);
ICAR/11 (6);
ING-IND/28 (1)
Sicurezza nei cantieri

  • Gestione e valutazione dei rischi sul lavoro ICAR/11 (6 crediti)
    (da nominare )

  • Cantieri di opere civili ING-IND/28 (1 crediti) ICAR/04 (4 crediti) ICAR/11 (1 crediti)

2 02OYFVA ICAR/04 (4);
ICAR/11 (1);
ING-IND/28 (1)
Cantieri di opere civili 6
2 01TZRVA ICAR/01 (.6);
ICAR/02 (.6);
ICAR/04 (1.2);
ICAR/07 (1.2);
ICAR/08 (1.2);
ICAR/09 (1.2)
Experimental methods and laboratory testing for civil engineering applications 6
2 19FWYVA Internship 6
2 01UDPVA ICAR/01 (.6);
ICAR/02 (.6);
ICAR/04 (1.2);
ICAR/07 (1.2);
ICAR/08 (1.2);
ICAR/09 (1.2)
Laboratorio sperimentale prove e misure per l'ingegneria civile 6
2 01RXYVA ICAR/07 (8) Numerical Methods in Geotechnical Engineering 8
2 01PPKVA ING-IND/28 (6) Tunnelling 6

Elective courses

Periodo Codice SSD Insegnamento Lingua Crediti Docente Note Orario
1 01SQBVA ICAR/07 (6) Analysis and design of geotechnical structures and earthworks 6
1 01VKBVA ICAR/02 (3);
ICAR/01 (3)
Hydro-meteorological risk assessment 6
1 01VKQVA ICAR/09 (1);
ICAR/17 (4);
ICAR/07 (1)
InfraBIM, Design, Construction and Management 6
1 01UDKVA ICAR/02 (1.5);
ICAR/05 (1.5);
ICAR/06 (3)
Laboratory of GIS and Geospatial Service for engineering Applications 6
1 01HIIVA ICAR/05 (6) Osservazione, simulazione e regolazione del traffico 6
1 01SAGVA ICAR/05 (6) Sistemi di trasporto ferroviari, metropolitani e a fune 6
1 02VKOVA ICAR/09 (6) Structural Earthquake Engineering 6
1,2 11INBVA ICAR/11 (1);
ICAR/11 (6);
ING-IND/28 (1);
ICAR/04 (4)
Sicurezza nei cantieri

  • Gestione e valutazione dei rischi sul lavoro ICAR/11 (6 crediti)

  • Cantieri di opere civili ING-IND/28 (1 crediti) ICAR/11 (1 crediti) ICAR/04 (4 crediti)

2 02OYFVA ICAR/04 (4);
ICAR/11 (1);
ING-IND/28 (1)
Cantieri di opere civili 6
2 01RXGVA ING-IND/11 (6) Energy Audit and certification of buildings 6
2 01TZRVA ICAR/09 (1.2);
ICAR/02 (.6);
ICAR/04 (1.2);
ICAR/08 (1.2);
ICAR/07 (1.2);
ICAR/01 (.6)
Experimental methods and laboratory testing for civil engineering applications 6
2 19FWYVA Internship 6
2 01UDPVA ICAR/01 (.6);
ICAR/02 (.6);
ICAR/04 (1.2);
ICAR/07 (1.2);
ICAR/08 (1.2);
ICAR/09 (1.2)
Laboratorio sperimentale prove e misure per l'ingegneria civile 6
2 01VLBVA ICAR/04 (6) Metodi e tecnologie per la manutenzione delle infrastrutture viarie 6
2 01RXYVA ICAR/07 (8) Numerical Methods in Geotechnical Engineering 8
2 01UWGVA ICAR/07 (3);
ICAR/20 (3)
Seismic risk and spatial planning 6
2 01PPKVA ING-IND/28 (6) Tunnelling 6


1° anno 2024/2025
Periodo Codice SSD Insegnamento Lingua Crediti Docente Note Orario
1 03MNIVA ICAR/08 (8) Advanced Structural Mechanics 8
1 01VLEVA ING-IND/17 (6) Construction project management 6
1 01RVSVA ICAR/07 (8) Foundations 8
1 01RVPVA ICAR/09 (8) Theory and design of reinforced and prestressed concrete structures 8
1,2 Elective courses 6
2 01VLFVA ING-IND/21 (3);
ING-IND/22 (3)
Degradation of construction materials and prevention 6
2 01RVUVA ICAR/06 (6) Geomatics 6
2 01OHAVA ICAR/08 (6);
ICAR/08 (6)
Dynamics of structures/Computational Mechanics

  • Dynamics of structures ICAR/08 (6 crediti)

  • Computational Mechanics ICAR/08 (6 crediti)

2 01VKFVA ICAR/09 (6) Theory and design of steel and composite structures 6

2° anno 2025/2026
Periodo Codice SSD Insegnamento Lingua Crediti Docente Note Orario
1 01RWMVA ICAR/09 (8) Earthquake Engineering 8
1 01VLGVA ICAR/04 (8) Transportation infrastructures 8
1,2 09MBRVA Thesis 18
2 01VKYVA ICAR/09 (8) Design and construction of bridges 8
2 Elective courses 12
2 01VKZVA ICAR/08 (6) Fracture and Plasticity 6

Elective courses

Periodo Codice SSD Insegnamento Lingua Crediti Docente Note Orario
1 01SQBVA ICAR/07 (6) Analysis and design of geotechnical structures and earthworks 6
1 01VKBVA ICAR/01 (3);
ICAR/02 (3)
Hydro-meteorological risk assessment 6
1 01VKQVA ICAR/07 (1);
ICAR/09 (1);
ICAR/17 (4)
InfraBIM, Design, Construction and Management 6
1 01UDKVA ICAR/05 (1.5);
ICAR/06 (3);
ICAR/02 (1.5)
Laboratory of GIS and Geospatial Service for engineering Applications 6
1 04PWVVA ICAR/07 (8) Rock mechanics 8
1 01SAGVA ICAR/05 (6) Sistemi di trasporto ferroviari, metropolitani e a fune 6
1 01VKKVA ICAR/08 (6) Static and dynamic instability of structures 6
1,2 02UEWVA Challenge 8
2 02OYFVA ICAR/04 (4);
ICAR/11 (1);
ING-IND/28 (1)
Cantieri di opere civili 6
2 01TZRVA ICAR/01 (.6);
ICAR/02 (.6);
ICAR/04 (1.2);
ICAR/07 (1.2);
ICAR/08 (1.2);
ICAR/09 (1.2)
Experimental methods and laboratory testing for civil engineering applications 6
2 01OFKVA ICAR/07 (6) Geotechnical applications for energy and environment 6
2 19FWYVA Internship 6
2 01UDPVA ICAR/01 (.6);
ICAR/02 (.6);
ICAR/04 (1.2);
ICAR/07 (1.2);
ICAR/08 (1.2);
ICAR/09 (1.2)
Laboratorio sperimentale prove e misure per l'ingegneria civile 6
2 01RXYVA ICAR/07 (8) Numerical Methods in Geotechnical Engineering 8
2 01UDLVA ICAR/09 (6) Safety assessment and retrofitting of existing structures and infrastructures 6
2 02TZLVA ICAR/07 (6) Slope stability and Landslide Risk Mitigation 6
2 01PPKVA ING-IND/28 (6) Tunnelling 6

Elective courses

Periodo Codice SSD Insegnamento Lingua Crediti Docente Note Orario
1 01SQBVA ICAR/07 (6) Analysis and design of geotechnical structures and earthworks 6
1 02TZMVA ICAR/07 (6) Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering 6
1 01VKBVA ICAR/02 (3);
ICAR/01 (3)
Hydro-meteorological risk assessment 6
1 01VKQVA ICAR/09 (1);
ICAR/17 (4);
ICAR/07 (1)
InfraBIM, Design, Construction and Management 6
1 01UDKVA ICAR/02 (1.5);
ICAR/05 (1.5);
ICAR/06 (3)
Laboratory of GIS and Geospatial Service for engineering Applications 6
1 01SAGVA ICAR/05 (6) Sistemi di trasporto ferroviari, metropolitani e a fune 6
1 01VKKVA ICAR/08 (6) Static and dynamic instability of structures 6
2 02OYFVA ICAR/04 (4);
ICAR/11 (1);
ING-IND/28 (1)
Cantieri di opere civili 6
2 01HRAVA ICAR/08 (3);
ICAR/09 (3)
Design of Timber and Glass structures 6
2 01RXGVA ING-IND/11 (6) Energy Audit and certification of buildings 6
2 01TZRVA ICAR/09 (1.2);
ICAR/02 (.6);
ICAR/04 (1.2);
ICAR/08 (1.2);
ICAR/07 (1.2);
ICAR/01 (.6)
Experimental methods and laboratory testing for civil engineering applications 6
2 01OFKVA ICAR/07 (6) Geotechnical applications for energy and environment 6
2 19FWYVA Internship 6
2 01UDPVA ICAR/01 (.6);
ICAR/02 (.6);
ICAR/04 (1.2);
ICAR/07 (1.2);
ICAR/08 (1.2);
ICAR/09 (1.2)
Laboratorio sperimentale prove e misure per l'ingegneria civile 6
2 01VLBVA ICAR/04 (6) Metodi e tecnologie per la manutenzione delle infrastrutture viarie 6
2 01RXYVA ICAR/07 (8) Numerical Methods in Geotechnical Engineering 8
2 01UCKVA ICAR/02 (3);
ICAR/03 (3)
Renewable energy resources 6
2 01UDLVA ICAR/09 (6) Safety assessment and retrofitting of existing structures and infrastructures 6
2 02TZLVA ICAR/07 (6) Slope stability and Landslide Risk Mitigation 6
2 01PPKVA ING-IND/28 (6) Tunnelling 6
