Piano degli studi e programmi dei corsi



Elenco notifiche

Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Mechatronic engineering (ingegneria meccatronica) (Torino)

Dipartimento di Elettronica e Telecomunicazioni - Collegio di Ingegneria Informatica, del Cinema e Meccatronica

Visualizzazione per coorte 2024/2025


Lingua inglese

Nella visualizzazione per anno accademico vengono mostrati gli insegnamenti previsti per il dato anno accademico (esempio gli insegnamenti del 2 anno dell'anno 2019/2020 sono quelli previsti per gli studenti immatricolati nell'anno accademico 2018/2019)

Visualizza l'offerta dell'anno accademico

Nella visualizzazione per coorte vengono mostrati gli insegnamenti previsti per gli immatricolati nell'anno accademico di riferimento
(ad. esempio al 2 anno della coorte 2024/2025 sono mostrati gli insegnamenti erogati nell'anno accademico 2025/2026)

Visualizza l'offerta per l'anno accademico di immatricolazione (coorte)

1° anno 2024/2025
Periodo Codice SSD Insegnamento Lingua Crediti Docente Note Orario
1 01PDCQW ING-INF/04 (6) Digital control technologies and architectures 6
M. Canale
da nominare
1 Insegnamento a scelta da Tabella A 16
1 02PCYQW ING-IND/14 (5);
ING-INF/04 (5)
Modelling and simulation of mechatronic systems 10
2 01PDFQW ING-INF/01 (8) Electronic systems for mechatronics 8
2 01RKYQW ING-INF/04 (6) Estimation, filtering, and system identification 6
2 02MPLQW ING-IND/13 (6) Fluid Automation 6
2 01OUZQW ING-INF/05 (6) Model-based software design 6
2 01PEEQW ING-INF/04 (8) Robotics 8

2° anno 2025/2026
Periodo Codice SSD Insegnamento Lingua Crediti Docente Note Orario
1 01OUWQW ING-INF/04 (6) Convex optimization and engineering applications 6
1 01PDXQW ING-INF/04 (6) Modern design of control systems 6
1 01TVOQW ING-INF/04 (6) Optimization for machine learning 6
1 01QYEQW ING-INF/04 (6) Laboratory of robust identification and control 6
1,2 Free choice CONTR 6
2 04KSDQW Final project work 30
2 01PEDQW ING-INF/04 (6) Automation and planning of production systems 6
2 01RKXQW ING-INF/04 (6) Nonlinear control and aerospace applications 6

Insegnamento a scelta da Tabella A

Periodo Codice SSD Insegnamento Lingua Crediti Docente Note Orario
1 01PCZQW ING-IND/13 (8) Applied mechanics and machine design 8
1 04LSLQW ING-INF/04 (8) Automatic control 8
1 02LONQW ING-IND/32 (8) Electrical machines 8
1 01RXOQW ING-INF/01 (8) Electronics Fundamentals and Applications 8
1 01HFVQW ING-INF/04 (8) Networked Control Systems 8
1 01HFWQW ING-INF/01 (8) Sensors, embedded systems and algorithms for Service Robotics 8

Free choice CONTR

Periodo Codice SSD Insegnamento Lingua Crediti Docente Note Orario
1 03MIQQW ING-INF/04 (6) Automotive control systems 6
1 03OAIQW ING-IND/14 (6) Dynamic design of machines 6
1 01TWNQW ING-INF/01 (6) Electronic Systems for Sensor Acquisition 6
1 02TVPQW ING-INF/02 (2);
ING-INF/01 (4)
Industrial Photonics 6
1 01URPQW ING-INF/05 (6) Machine learning for vision and multimedia 6
1 01HFVQW ING-INF/04 (8) Networked Control Systems 8
1 01TVRQW ING-INF/03 (3);
ING-INF/05 (3)
Networking technologies for connected vehicles 6
1 01NPSQW ING-INF/05 (6) Operating systems for embedded systems 6
1 01HZPQW MAT/09 (3);
ING-INF/04 (3)
Optimization and Simulation for Industrial Automation 6
1 02LPNQW ING-INF/01 (6) Power electronics 6
1 01HFNQW ING-INF/05 (6) Robot Learning 6
1 02LPXQW ING-INF/03 (6) Satellite navigation systems 6
1 01HFWQW ING-INF/01 (8) Sensors, embedded systems and algorithms for Service Robotics 8
1,2 02UEWQW Challenge 8
2 01HIJQW ING-IND/32 (6) Electric Motor Drives for ePowertrains 6

Final project work
Gli studenti che intendono svolgere un tirocinio curriculare possono richiedere al Collegio del Corso di studi la suddivisione dei crediti della tesi in 12 (tirocinio) + 18 (final project)

Periodo Codice SSD Insegnamento Lingua Crediti Docente Note Orario
1,2 10CWHQW Tirocinio 12
2 03KSDQW Final project work 18
2 02KSDQW Final project work 30

1° anno 2024/2025
Periodo Codice SSD Insegnamento Lingua Crediti Docente Note Orario
1 01PDCQW ING-INF/04 (6) Digital control technologies and architectures 6
M. Canale
da nominare
1 Insegnamento a scelta da Tabella A 16
1 02PCYQW ING-IND/14 (5);
ING-INF/04 (5)
Modelling and simulation of mechatronic systems 10
2 01PDFQW ING-INF/01 (8) Electronic systems for mechatronics 8
2 01RKYQW ING-INF/04 (6) Estimation, filtering, and system identification 6
2 02MPLQW ING-IND/13 (6) Fluid Automation 6
2 01OUZQW ING-INF/05 (6) Model-based software design 6
2 01PEEQW ING-INF/04 (8) Robotics 8

2° anno 2025/2026
Periodo Codice SSD Insegnamento Lingua Crediti Docente Note Orario
1 01PDXQW ING-INF/04 (6) Modern design of control systems 6
1 01TVOQW ING-INF/04 (6) Optimization for machine learning 6
1 01NPSQW ING-INF/05 (6) Operating systems for embedded systems 6
1 01HZPQW MAT/09 (3);
ING-INF/04 (3)
Optimization and Simulation for Industrial Automation 6
1,2 Free choice SW 6
2 04KSDQW Final project work 30
2 01PEDQW ING-INF/04 (6) Automation and planning of production systems 6
2 01RKXQW ING-INF/04 (6) Nonlinear control and aerospace applications 6

Insegnamento a scelta da Tabella A

Periodo Codice SSD Insegnamento Lingua Crediti Docente Note Orario
1 01PCZQW ING-IND/13 (8) Applied mechanics and machine design 8
1 04LSLQW ING-INF/04 (8) Automatic control 8
1 02LONQW ING-IND/32 (8) Electrical machines 8
1 01RXOQW ING-INF/01 (8) Electronics Fundamentals and Applications 8
1 01HFVQW ING-INF/04 (8) Networked Control Systems 8
1 01HFWQW ING-INF/01 (8) Sensors, embedded systems and algorithms for Service Robotics 8

Free choice SW

Periodo Codice SSD Insegnamento Lingua Crediti Docente Note Orario
1 03MIQQW ING-INF/04 (6) Automotive control systems 6
1 01OUWQW ING-INF/04 (6) Convex optimization and engineering applications 6
1 03OAIQW ING-IND/14 (6) Dynamic design of machines 6
1 01TWNQW ING-INF/01 (6) Electronic Systems for Sensor Acquisition 6
1 02TVPQW ING-INF/02 (2);
ING-INF/01 (4)
Industrial Photonics 6
1 01QYEQW ING-INF/04 (6) Laboratory of robust identification and control 6
1 01URPQW ING-INF/05 (6) Machine learning for vision and multimedia 6
1 01HFVQW ING-INF/04 (8) Networked Control Systems 8
1 01TVRQW ING-INF/03 (3);
ING-INF/05 (3)
Networking technologies for connected vehicles 6
1 02LPNQW ING-INF/01 (6) Power electronics 6
1 03QWRQW ING-INF/05 (6) Programming for IoT applications 6
1 01HFNQW ING-INF/05 (6) Robot Learning 6
1 02LPXQW ING-INF/03 (6) Satellite navigation systems 6
1 01HFWQW ING-INF/01 (8) Sensors, embedded systems and algorithms for Service Robotics 8
1 01RKZQW ING-INF/05 (6) Testing and fault tolerance 6
1,2 02UEWQW Challenge 8
2 01HIJQW ING-IND/32 (6) Electric Motor Drives for ePowertrains 6

Final project work
Gli studenti che intendono svolgere un tirocinio curriculare possono richiedere al Collegio del Corso di studi la suddivisione dei crediti della tesi in 12 (tirocinio) + 18 (final project)

Periodo Codice SSD Insegnamento Lingua Crediti Docente Note Orario
1,2 10CWHQW Tirocinio 12
2 03KSDQW Final project work 18
2 02KSDQW Final project work 30

1° anno 2024/2025
Periodo Codice SSD Insegnamento Lingua Crediti Docente Note Orario
1 01PDCQW ING-INF/04 (6) Digital control technologies and architectures 6
M. Canale
da nominare
1 Insegnamento a scelta da Tabella A 16
1 02PCYQW ING-IND/14 (5);
ING-INF/04 (5)
Modelling and simulation of mechatronic systems 10
2 01PDFQW ING-INF/01 (8) Electronic systems for mechatronics 8
2 01RKYQW ING-INF/04 (6) Estimation, filtering, and system identification 6
2 02MPLQW ING-IND/13 (6) Fluid Automation 6
2 01NWDQW ING-INF/03 (6) Mobile and sensor networks 6
2 01PEEQW ING-INF/04 (8) Robotics 8

2° anno 2025/2026
Periodo Codice SSD Insegnamento Lingua Crediti Docente Note Orario
1 01TWNQW ING-INF/01 (6) Electronic Systems for Sensor Acquisition 6
1 01PDXQW ING-INF/04 (6) Modern design of control systems 6
1 01TVOQW ING-INF/04 (6) Optimization for machine learning 6
1 02LPNQW ING-INF/01 (6) Power electronics 6
1,2 Free choice HW 6
2 04KSDQW Final project work 30
2 01PEDQW ING-INF/04 (6) Automation and planning of production systems 6
2 01RKXQW ING-INF/04 (6) Nonlinear control and aerospace applications 6

Insegnamento a scelta da Tabella A

Periodo Codice SSD Insegnamento Lingua Crediti Docente Note Orario
1 01PCZQW ING-IND/13 (8) Applied mechanics and machine design 8
1 04LSLQW ING-INF/04 (8) Automatic control 8
1 02LONQW ING-IND/32 (8) Electrical machines 8
1 01RXOQW ING-INF/01 (8) Electronics Fundamentals and Applications 8
1 01HFVQW ING-INF/04 (8) Networked Control Systems 8
1 01HFWQW ING-INF/01 (8) Sensors, embedded systems and algorithms for Service Robotics 8

Free choice HW

Periodo Codice SSD Insegnamento Lingua Crediti Docente Note Orario
1 03MIQQW ING-INF/04 (6) Automotive control systems 6
1 01OUWQW ING-INF/04 (6) Convex optimization and engineering applications 6
1 03OAIQW ING-IND/14 (6) Dynamic design of machines 6
1 01DTDQW ING-INF/01 (6) Edge Computing Systems for AI and ML 6
1 02TVPQW ING-INF/02 (2);
ING-INF/01 (4)
Industrial Photonics 6
1 01QYEQW ING-INF/04 (6) Laboratory of robust identification and control 6
1 01URPQW ING-INF/05 (6) Machine learning for vision and multimedia 6
1 01HFVQW ING-INF/04 (8) Networked Control Systems 8
1 01TVRQW ING-INF/03 (3);
ING-INF/05 (3)
Networking technologies for connected vehicles 6
1 01NPSQW ING-INF/05 (6) Operating systems for embedded systems 6
1 01HZPQW MAT/09 (3);
ING-INF/04 (3)
Optimization and Simulation for Industrial Automation 6
1 01HFNQW ING-INF/05 (6) Robot Learning 6
1 02LPXQW ING-INF/03 (6) Satellite navigation systems 6
1 01HFWQW ING-INF/01 (8) Sensors, embedded systems and algorithms for Service Robotics 8
1 01RKZQW ING-INF/05 (6) Testing and fault tolerance 6
1,2 02UEWQW Challenge 8
2 01PEGQW ING-INF/01 (6) Advanced electronic drives 6
2 01HIJQW ING-IND/32 (6) Electric Motor Drives for ePowertrains 6

Final project work
Gli studenti che intendono svolgere un tirocinio curriculare possono richiedere al Collegio del Corso di studi la suddivisione dei crediti della tesi in 12 (tirocinio) + 18 (final project)

Periodo Codice SSD Insegnamento Lingua Crediti Docente Note Orario
1,2 10CWHQW Tirocinio 12
2 03KSDQW Final project work 18
2 02KSDQW Final project work 30

1° anno 2024/2025
Periodo Codice SSD Insegnamento Lingua Crediti Docente Note Orario
1 01PDCQW ING-INF/04 (6) Digital control technologies and architectures 6
M. Canale
da nominare
1 Insegnamento a scelta da Tabella A 16
1 02PCYQW ING-IND/14 (5);
ING-INF/04 (5)
Modelling and simulation of mechatronic systems 10
2 01TVEQW ING-IND/32 (6) Electrical Technologies for eMobility 6
2 01PDFQW ING-INF/01 (8) Electronic systems for mechatronics 8
2 01RKYQW ING-INF/04 (6) Estimation, filtering, and system identification 6
2 02MPLQW ING-IND/13 (6) Fluid Automation 6
2 01PEEQW ING-INF/04 (8) Robotics 8

2° anno 2025/2026
Periodo Codice SSD Insegnamento Lingua Crediti Docente Note Orario
1 03MIQQW ING-INF/04 (6) Automotive control systems 6
1 01PDXQW ING-INF/04 (6) Modern design of control systems 6
1 01TVOQW ING-INF/04 (6) Optimization for machine learning 6
1,2 Free choice AUTO 6
1 01TVRQW ING-INF/03 (3);
ING-INF/05 (3)
Networking technologies for connected vehicles 6
2 01HIJQW ING-IND/32 (6) Electric Motor Drives for ePowertrains 6
2 04KSDQW Final project work 30
2 01PEDQW ING-INF/04 (6) Automation and planning of production systems 6
2 01RKXQW ING-INF/04 (6) Nonlinear control and aerospace applications 6

Insegnamento a scelta da Tabella A

Periodo Codice SSD Insegnamento Lingua Crediti Docente Note Orario
1 01PCZQW ING-IND/13 (8) Applied mechanics and machine design 8
1 04LSLQW ING-INF/04 (8) Automatic control 8
1 02LONQW ING-IND/32 (8) Electrical machines 8
1 01RXOQW ING-INF/01 (8) Electronics Fundamentals and Applications 8
1 01HFVQW ING-INF/04 (8) Networked Control Systems 8
1 01HFWQW ING-INF/01 (8) Sensors, embedded systems and algorithms for Service Robotics 8

Free choice AUTO

Periodo Codice SSD Insegnamento Lingua Crediti Docente Note Orario
1 01OUWQW ING-INF/04 (6) Convex optimization and engineering applications 6
1 03OAIQW ING-IND/14 (6) Dynamic design of machines 6
1 01TWNQW ING-INF/01 (6) Electronic Systems for Sensor Acquisition 6
1 02TVPQW ING-INF/02 (2);
ING-INF/01 (4)
Industrial Photonics 6
1 01QYEQW ING-INF/04 (6) Laboratory of robust identification and control 6
1 01URPQW ING-INF/05 (6) Machine learning for vision and multimedia 6
1 01HFVQW ING-INF/04 (8) Networked Control Systems 8
1 01NPSQW ING-INF/05 (6) Operating systems for embedded systems 6
1 01HZPQW MAT/09 (3);
ING-INF/04 (3)
Optimization and Simulation for Industrial Automation 6
1 02LPNQW ING-INF/01 (6) Power electronics 6
1 01HFNQW ING-INF/05 (6) Robot Learning 6
1 02LPXQW ING-INF/03 (6) Satellite navigation systems 6
1 01HFWQW ING-INF/01 (8) Sensors, embedded systems and algorithms for Service Robotics 8
1,2 02UEWQW Challenge 8
2 02SQHQW ING-INF/05 (3);
ING-INF/04 (2);
ING-IND/14 (1)
Technologies for Autonomous Vehicles 6

Final project work
Gli studenti che intendono svolgere un tirocinio curriculare possono richiedere al Collegio del Corso di studi la suddivisione dei crediti della tesi in 12 (tirocinio) + 18 (final project)

Periodo Codice SSD Insegnamento Lingua Crediti Docente Note Orario
1,2 10CWHQW Tirocinio 12
2 03KSDQW Final project work 18
2 02KSDQW Final project work 30

1° anno 2024/2025
Periodo Codice SSD Insegnamento Lingua Crediti Docente Note Orario
1 01PDCQW ING-INF/04 (6) Digital control technologies and architectures 6
M. Canale
da nominare
1 Insegnamento a scelta da Tabella A 16
1 02PCYQW ING-IND/14 (5);
ING-INF/04 (5)
Modelling and simulation of mechatronic systems 10
2 05SQSQW ING-IND/16 (6) Additive Manufacturing Systems and materials 6
2 01PDFQW ING-INF/01 (8) Electronic systems for mechatronics 8
2 01RKYQW ING-INF/04 (6) Estimation, filtering, and system identification 6
2 02MPLQW ING-IND/13 (6) Fluid Automation 6
2 01PEEQW ING-INF/04 (8) Robotics 8

2° anno 2025/2026
Periodo Codice SSD Insegnamento Lingua Crediti Docente Note Orario
1 03OAIQW ING-IND/14 (6) Dynamic design of machines 6
1 02TVPQW ING-INF/02 (2);
ING-INF/01 (4)
Industrial Photonics 6
1 01PDXQW ING-INF/04 (6) Modern design of control systems 6
1 01TVOQW ING-INF/04 (6) Optimization for machine learning 6
1,2 Free choice IND 6
2 04KSDQW Final project work 30
2 01PEDQW ING-INF/04 (6) Automation and planning of production systems 6
2 01RKXQW ING-INF/04 (6) Nonlinear control and aerospace applications 6

Insegnamento a scelta da Tabella A

Periodo Codice SSD Insegnamento Lingua Crediti Docente Note Orario
1 01PCZQW ING-IND/13 (8) Applied mechanics and machine design 8
1 04LSLQW ING-INF/04 (8) Automatic control 8
1 02LONQW ING-IND/32 (8) Electrical machines 8
1 01RXOQW ING-INF/01 (8) Electronics Fundamentals and Applications 8
1 01HFVQW ING-INF/04 (8) Networked Control Systems 8
1 01HFWQW ING-INF/01 (8) Sensors, embedded systems and algorithms for Service Robotics 8

Free choice IND

Periodo Codice SSD Insegnamento Lingua Crediti Docente Note Orario
1 03MIQQW ING-INF/04 (6) Automotive control systems 6
1 01OUWQW ING-INF/04 (6) Convex optimization and engineering applications 6
1 01TWNQW ING-INF/01 (6) Electronic Systems for Sensor Acquisition 6
1 01QYEQW ING-INF/04 (6) Laboratory of robust identification and control 6
1 01URPQW ING-INF/05 (6) Machine learning for vision and multimedia 6
1 01HFVQW ING-INF/04 (8) Networked Control Systems 8
1 01TVRQW ING-INF/03 (3);
ING-INF/05 (3)
Networking technologies for connected vehicles 6
1 01NPSQW ING-INF/05 (6) Operating systems for embedded systems 6
1 01HZPQW MAT/09 (3);
ING-INF/04 (3)
Optimization and Simulation for Industrial Automation 6
1 02LPNQW ING-INF/01 (6) Power electronics 6
1 01HFNQW ING-INF/05 (6) Robot Learning 6
1 02LPXQW ING-INF/03 (6) Satellite navigation systems 6
1 01HFWQW ING-INF/01 (8) Sensors, embedded systems and algorithms for Service Robotics 8
1,2 02UEWQW Challenge 8
2 01PEGQW ING-INF/01 (6) Advanced electronic drives 6
2 01HIJQW ING-IND/32 (6) Electric Motor Drives for ePowertrains 6

Final project work
Gli studenti che intendono svolgere un tirocinio curriculare possono richiedere al Collegio del Corso di studi la suddivisione dei crediti della tesi in 12 (tirocinio) + 18 (final project)

Periodo Codice SSD Insegnamento Lingua Crediti Docente Note Orario
1,2 10CWHQW Tirocinio 12
2 03KSDQW Final project work 18
2 02KSDQW Final project work 30

2° anno 2025/2026
Periodo Codice SSD Insegnamento Lingua Crediti Docente Note Orario
1 01SEWQW ING-INF/05 (6);
ING-INF/04 (18);
ING-INF/01 (6)
TOP-UIC - Mechatronic Engineering 30
1,2 08MBRQW Thesis 30