Ricerca CERCA

Dipartimento Energia


Electricity and thermal energy needs evaluation of the existing buildings through a geographical information system
Assessment of the hydroelectric potential in the Piedmont Region with GIS software
Buildings stock evaluation in Piedmont egion
Diagnosi energetiche e certificazione energetica degli edifici. Progetto europeo con la Regione Piemonte
Energy audit on public buildings
Energy evaluation from agricultural and forest biomass in the Piedmont Region with GIS software
azienda TESI AZIENDA Energy production from photovoltaic technologies: from design calculations to reality
Energy sustainability at urban scale
Evaluating the residential electricity energy consumption profiles based on real-time monitoring data towards increasing self-sufficiency and end-users’ awareness
Feasibility study of an energy community in the territory of Pinerolese (TO)
La potenzialità dei sistemi solari fotovoltaici integrati nelle coperture degli edifici con le tecniche GIS open source
azienda TESI AZIENDA Material and methods for feasibility studies for renewable energy communities
Modelli di comfort termico in ambienti confinati
azienda TESI AZIENDA New approaches for a sustainable water management in an urban context  BUTERA ILARIA
New approaches for rainwater managment and energy production  BUTERA ILARIA
azienda TESI AZIENDA Progettazione e modellazione di comunità energetiche rinnovabili  Responsible Risk Resilience interdepartmental Centre (R3C) www.r3c.polito.it
azienda TESI AZIENDA Progettazione e modellazione di comunità energetiche rinnovabili
Progetto sperimentale EDGE (Energia da risorse Distribuite per la Gestione della rete di E-Distribuzione): il ruolo delle Comunità Energetiche Rinnovabili
Sustainable Energy and Competitive Tourism Action Plan in High Altitude Territory
Technical-economic pre-feasibility analysis of agrivoltaic systems
The role of urban form and socio-economic variables for estimating the buildings’ energy savings at urban scale
The use of photovoltaic technologies for renewable energy communities in Ischia island
The use of photovoltaic technologies for renewable energy communities in Ischia island
Tools and methods for measuring the sustainability of a city/community
Urban heat island
Use of satellite images for thermo-hygrometric characterization of the soil: applications to the structural monitoring of the Vicoforte Sanctuary.  CERAVOLO ROSARIO