Ricerca CERCA

Insights into the complex taste perception pathways employing protein network modelling techniques [in collaboration with Inysbio – Patras – Greece - https://www.insybio.com/]


Reference persons MARCO AGOSTINO DERIU

Research Groups 28- biomedica


Description This research project supervised by Prof. Marco Agostino Deriu is focused on the investigation of taste perception at the molecular level and it is inserted into an EU-funded project, called VIRTUOUS (https://virtuoush2020.com/), aimed at developing an integrated computational platform working as a virtual tongue able to predict the organoleptic profile of the Mediterranean ingredients. The basic idea behind the VIRTUOUS platform is the integration of different levels of investigation ranging from the molecular level (computational modeling, drug discovery, etc.), up to machine learning classifiers, algorithms for big data, cloud computing, and finally experimental data to predict the taste of specific foods based on their chemical composition.

For further information about the specific work proposed here, please contact via email directly Prof. Marco Deriu (marco.deriu@polito.it), inserting in CC the PhD student Lorenzo Pallante (lorenzo.pallante@polito.it).

See also  thesisproposals.docx 

Required skills It is recommended that the student has taken Professor Deriu's "Biomeccanica Multiscala" course. Attendance at "Biomechanical Design" and "Rational Drug Design" courses by Prof. Jack Tuszynski is also very welcome.

Deadline 26/04/2023      PROPONI LA TUA CANDIDATURA