Ricerca CERCA


Advanced Acoustic and thermal modelling of slim, lightweight, and multifunctional curtain wall system  FANTUCCI STEFANO  SHTREPI LOUENA  TEBE
Blind estimation of acoustical parameters from signals recorded in the room  ASTOLFI ARIANNA  PASTOR ELIANA  SERVETTI ANTONIO  SHTREPI LOUENA  TEBE
Effect of thermal stresses on the acoustic absorption properties of microscale heterogeneous materials  PAGANI ALFONSO  26- MUL2
Effectiveness of the Speech and Sound Semaphore in primary schools as a mean to reduce irrelevant speech noise (Thesis supported by Onlus Ciao ci sentiamo)  ASTOLFI ARIANNA  MASOERO MARCO CARLO  SHTREPI LOUENA  TEBE
Implementation of sound insulation and acoustic comfort requirements in the BIM software environment  ASTOLFI ARIANNA  OSELLO ANNA  SHTREPI LOUENA  TEBE
Irrelevant speech noise levels: what does it depend to?  ASTOLFI ARIANNA  TEBE
Measurement of audio-video ecological scenes for the Audio Space Lab of the Politecnico di Torino.  ASTOLFI ARIANNA  SHTREPI LOUENA  TEBE
Numerical study of the interaction between turbulent flows and acoustic metasurfaces for noise attenuation  AVALLONE FRANCESCO  BOSIA FEDERICO  SHTREPI LOUENA  10- Fluidodinamica  AA - Electric, Elastic, struct. and opt. prop. in lin and nonlin complex system  TEBE (http://www.tebe.polito.it/)
Topologically protected modes in acoustic/elastic metamaterials  BOSIA FEDERICO  GLIOZZI ANTONIO
Voice monitoring of university professors at a large scale and relationships with classroom size and acoustics, subject taught and personal factors  ASTOLFI ARIANNA  CARULLO ALESSIO  MASOERO MARCO CARLO  TEBE