Ricerca CERCA


Best practices and guidelines for experimental methods in living laboratories for the built environment  FAVOINO FABIO  PELLEGRINO ANNA  TEBE (http://www.tebe.polito.it/)
Digital Twins in the built environment: the case for active, responsive and solar facades (thesis, or thesis + internship) - iclimabuilt project  FAVOINO FABIO  PERINO MARCO  TEBE (http://www.tebe.polito.it/)
Indoor Environmental Quality Web Application as Dashboard for IoT Continuous Monitoring and Assessment  SERVETTI ANTONIO  DAUIN - GR-11 - INTERNET MEDIA GROUP - IMG
Indoor Environmental Quality Web Application as Dashboard for IoT Continuous Monitoring and Assessment  SERVETTI ANTONIO  DAUIN - GR-11 - INTERNET MEDIA GROUP - IMG
Parametric co-simulation environment for high performance building envelope design (thesis, or thesis + internship) - iclimabuilt project  FAVOINO FABIO  TEBE (http://www.tebe.polito.it/)
Parametric co-simulation environment for high performance building envelope design (thesis, or thesis + internship) - iclimabuilt project  FAVOINO FABIO  TEBE (http://www.tebe.polito.it/)
Towards intelligent IoT infrastructure and sensors for continuous monitoring of building performance (thesis, or thesis + internship)  FAVOINO FABIO  SERRA VALENTINA  TEBE (http://www.tebe.polito.it/)
Towards intelligent IoT infrastructure and sensors for continuous monitoring of building performance (thesis, or thesis + internship)  FAVOINO FABIO  PATTI EDOARDO  TEBE (http://www.tebe.polito.it/)