Ricerca CERCA


Analysis of a piezoelectric generation system  FERRARIS LUCA
Analysis of storage systems coupled to small scale hydropower  REPETTO MAURIZIO  SSD Ing-Ind/31 Elettrotecnica
District heating evolution towards 100% renewable energy  GUELPA ELISA  VERDA VITTORIO
Green and sustainable insulating materials based on natural fibers  CAROSIO FEDERICO  AA - Solar Fuels and Functional Materials for Smart Energy Systems
Green and sustainable insulating materials based on natural fibers  CAROSIO FEDERICO  AA - Solar Fuels and Functional Materials for Smart Energy Systems
Natural fiber-based polymer composites  CAROSIO FEDERICO  AA - Solar Fuels and Functional Materials for Smart Energy Systems
Offshore wind power generator  MAURO STEFANO  Meccatronica e servosistemi
Optimal control logics for energy communities with a high penetration of renewable sources  CIOCIA ALESSANDRO  SPERTINO FILIPPO  SOLAR
Optimal logic for reactive power injection or absorption in HV grid for TSO: case study of a wind farm  CIOCIA ALESSANDRO  SOLAR
azienda TESI AZIENDA Progettazione e modellazione di comunità energetiche rinnovabili  MUTANI GUGLIELMINA  Responsible Risk Resilience interdepartmental Centre (R3C) www.r3c.polito.it
Simulation and optimization of complex energy components and systems  REPETTO MAURIZIO  SSD Ing-Ind/31 Elettrotecnica
Smart platform for the simulation of energy communities based on renewable sources in condominiums  CIOCIA ALESSANDRO  MONTRUCCHIO BARTOLOMEO  SPERTINO FILIPPO  DAUIN - GR-09 - GRAphics and INtelligent Systems - GRAINS  SOLAR
azienda TESI AZIENDA Solar concentration device for power supply of papaer machine  MAURO STEFANO  Meccatronica e servosistemi
azienda TESI AZIENDA Validazione e utilizzo di un software di simulazione fluidodinamica delle reti di distribuzione gas nell’ambito dello studio di scenari di decarbonizzazione del settore gas  LEONE PIERLUIGI