Ricerca CERCA


A proposed lumped method to evaluate energy performance of an office inside the Energy Center  BOTTACCIOLI LORENZO  LANZINI ANDREA  PAPURELLO DAVIDE  Energy Center Lab
Chemical looping processes experimental and modeling for the synthetic gas production through a concentrated solar thermal dish  PAPURELLO DAVIDE  Energy Center Lab
Chemical looping processes experimental and modeling for the synthetic gas production through a concentrated solar thermal dish  PAPURELLO DAVIDE  Energy Center Lab
Design and development of a clustering algorithm to compute and simulate people behaviours  ACQUAVIVA ANDREA  BOTTACCIOLI LORENZO  PATTI EDOARDO  ELECTRONIC DESIGN AUTOMATION - EDA  Energy Center Lab  GR-06 - ELECTRONIC DESIGN AUTOMATION - EDA  ICT4SS - ICT FOR SMART SOCIETIES
Design of a process system that includes a PCM storage with the support of the AMEsim software  PAPURELLO DAVIDE  M3ES
Experimental and modelling study of cathodic materials for next generation Lithium-ion battery  BODOARDO SILVIA  FRANCIA CARLOTTA  VERSACI DANIELE  AA - Elettrochemistry  steps-denerg
Integration of renewable sources in the grid - case study of Tunisia/Marocco  LEONE PIERLUIGI
Life Cycle Assessment for Electrical Machines  POSKOVIC EMIR  TENCONI ALBERTO  VASCHETTO SILVIO  PEEMD
esteroTESI ALL'ESTERO Mathematical modeling of freezing/freeze-drying processes for optimizing drug product morphology  PISANO ROBERTO  AA - MOLE (Molecular Engineering Lab)
Methodological Development for a Li-Ion Cell Experimental and Virtual Characterization  PAPURELLO DAVIDE  Energy Center Lab  gruppo di elettrochimica
Methodological Development for a Li-Ion Cell Experimental and Virtual Characterization  PAPURELLO DAVIDE  Energy Center Lab  gruppo di elettrochimica
Modeling of laser-particle interaction for radioisotope production  BONIFETTO ROBERTO  FROIO ANTONIO  TESTONI RAFFAELLA
Modellazione FEM di celle per pacchi batterie  CARELLO MASSIMILIANA  27- Veicoli innovativi elettrici e ibridi
Sonification of high-dimensional biological data  DI CARLO STEFANO  SAVINO ALESSANDRO  DAUIN - GR-24 - SMILIES - reSilient coMputer archItectures and LIfE Sci
Studio e validazione di un sistema software per l'analisi dei profili utente nei social network e l'identificazione di profili falsi.  SERVETTI ANTONIO  INTERNET MEDIA GROUP - IMG