Ricerca CERCA


Advanced Acoustic and thermal modelling of slim, lightweight, and multifunctional curtain wall system  FANTUCCI STEFANO  SHTREPI LOUENA  TEBE
Analysis of the state of the art about the use of numerical simulation for the 3D printing process  MINETOLA PAOLO  Fabbricazione Additiva
Cardio-vascular fluid mechanics  CAMPOREALE CARLO VINCENZO  RIDOLFI LUCA  Envirofluidgroup
Definition and verification of guidance and control algorithms for next generation launch vehicles  CORPINO SABRINA
Definition and verification of guidance and control algorithms for next generation launch vehicles  CORPINO SABRINA
Estimation of the life of balls in rotating reigns: influence of ball kinetics  SESANA RAFFAELLA
esteroTESI ALL'ESTERO High Performance Computing (HPC) per simulazioni elettromagnetiche accelerate tramite GPU (borse di ricerca disponibili per finanziare studenti dalle performance accademiche eccellenti)  ANDRIULLI FRANCESCO PAOLO  Applied Electromagnetics
Kinetic models of multi-agent systems  TOSIN ANDREA  Metodi e modelli matematici per sistemi complessi
Local-global correction of simplified EMA models using machine learning tools (SOM + ANN or response surfaces)  DALLA VEDOVA MATTEO DAVIDE LORENZO  MAGGIORE PAOLO  16-ASTRA: Additive manufacturing for Systems and sTRuctures in Aerospace
Lumped parameters model of an active pneumatic pad and experimental validation  COLOMBO FEDERICO  MAFFIODO DANIELA  RAPARELLI TERENZIANO  Automazione e Robotica
MOdal analysis of multi-stage turbines  ZUCCA STEFANO  11 - LAQ AerMec per componenti di turbine e compressori
Modelling and simulation of the orbital and sub-orbital environment for space missions  CORPINO SABRINA  VIOLA NICOLE
azienda TESI AZIENDA Numerical analysis of suspensions for electric vehicle  CURA' FRANCESCA MARIA  18-Progettazione e sperimentazione di organi di trasmissione
azienda TESI AZIENDA Numerical simulation of composite mechanical components  CURA' FRANCESCA MARIA  18-Progettazione e sperimentazione di organi di trasmissione
Numerical simulation of melt pool behaviour in selective laser melting (SLM) for additive manufacturing  DELPRETE CRISTIANA  20-Progettazione meccanica di motopropulsori e componenti motore
Numerical simulation of the dynamical behavior of a refurbished Tram vehicle.  BOSSO NICOLA  19- Progettazione e sperimentazione di sistemi e veicoli ferroviari ed industria
Post Collapse Analysis of Existing Buildings and Historical Heritage  CIMELLARO GIAN PAOLO  DOMANESCHI MARCO  Resilience lab
Post Collapse Analysis of Existing Buildings and Historical Heritage  CARDONI ALESSANDRO  CIMELLARO GIAN PAOLO  Resilience lab
Predictions, by irradiance data, of energy productivity of large scale grid-connected photovoltaic plants with sun-tracking systems  BADAMI MARCO  SPERTINO FILIPPO
Road noise of pneumatic tires  GALVAGNO ENRICO  VELARDOCCHIA MAURO  VIGLIANI ALESSANDRO  13-Meccanica del veicolo
azienda TESI AZIENDA Simulation of multi-material joints for automotive applications  GOGLIO LUCA  12-Meccanica dei materiali e delle giunzioni: modelli, fatica, impatto e prove
azienda TESI AZIENDA Study of automotive exhaust systems by means of CFD simulations.  CURA' FRANCESCA MARIA  Progettazione e sperimentazione di organi di trasmissione, termografia e materia
esteroTESI ALL'ESTERO numerical simulation of wave propagation in spheres  SESANA RAFFAELLA