Ricerca CERCA


Computational Distributed RAM: a processor in memory solution for high performance computing  STERPONE LUCA  GR-05 - ELECTRONIC CAD & RELIABILITY GROUP - CAD
Computazione in-RAM e GTM: sviluppo di un processore basato sulla computational-RAM per l'autonomous driving  STERPONE LUCA  DAUIN - AEROSPACE AND SAFETY COMPUTING LAB
Computazione in-RAM: sviluppo di un processore basato sulla computational-RAM per l'autonomous driving  STERPONE LUCA  GR-05 - ELECTRONIC CAD & RELIABILITY GROUP - CAD
Computazione in-RAM: sviluppo di un processore basato sulla computational-RAM per l'autonomous driving  STERPONE LUCA  GR-05 - ELECTRONIC CAD & RELIABILITY GROUP - CAD
Exploring the effectiveness of number formats in GPU-accelerated programs  RODRIGUEZ CONDIA JOSIE ESTEBAN  DAUIN - GR-05 - ELECTRONIC CAD and RELIABILITY GROUP - CAD
Fault Injection methods for concurrent threads on i7 processor cores  STERPONE LUCA  DAUIN - GR-05 - ELECTRONIC CAD & RELIABILITY GROUP - CAD
Fault Injection methods for concurrent threads on i7 processor cores  STERPONE LUCA  DAUIN - GR-05 - ELECTRONIC CAD & RELIABILITY GROUP - CAD
Fault Injection methods for concurrent threads on i7 processor cores  STERPONE LUCA  DAUIN - GR-05 - ELECTRONIC CAD & RELIABILITY GROUP - CAD
Improving Energy Efficiency in Electric Vehicles: A Collaborative Research/Industrial Project  AZIMI SARAH  STERPONE LUCA  DAUIN - AEROSPACE AND SAFETY COMPUTING LAB
Improving Energy Efficiency in Electric Vehicles: A Collaborative Research/Industrial Project  AZIMI SARAH  STERPONE LUCA  DAUIN - AEROSPACE AND SAFETY COMPUTING LAB
On the Cancer Treatment: Designing a High-perfromance data acquisition system for monitoring of particles during cancer therapy  AZIMI SARAH  STERPONE LUCA  DAUIN - GR-05 - Aerospace and Safe Computing Lab
On the Cancer Treatment: Designing a High-perfromance data acquisition system for monitoring of particles during cancer therapy  AZIMI SARAH  DE SIO CORRADO   DAUIN - GR-05 - Aerospace and Safe Computing Lab
On the implementation and reliability analysis of the Embedded Soft-processor on Reconfigurable Devices  AZIMI SARAH  DAUIN - GR-05 - ELECTRONIC CAD & RELIABILITY GROUP - CAD
Optimizing Electric Motor Control for Battery Electric Vehicles using GTM Devices: A Collaborative Study with Punch Softronix  AZIMI SARAH  STERPONE LUCA  DAUIN - AEROSPACE AND SAFETY COMPUTING LAB
Reliability of Applications Executing on Processor with/without Operating System  AZIMI SARAH  STERPONE LUCA  DAUIN - GR-05 - ELECTRONIC CAD & RELIABILITY GROUP - CAD
Studio e sviluppo di software tollerante ai guasti per applicazioni safety-critical basate su RISC-V  STERPONE LUCA  GR-05 - ELECTRONIC CAD & RELIABILITY GROUP - CAD
Study and developments of Isolation Methods for Aerospace oriented Processors  STERPONE LUCA  DAUIN - GR-05 - ELECTRONIC CAD & RELIABILITY GROUP - CAD
Study and developments of Multi Core Architectures for Aerospace oriented Processors  STERPONE LUCA  DAUIN - GR-05 - ELECTRONIC CAD & RELIABILITY GROUP - CAD
Unlocking GPUs: Exploring Software Approaches for Ensuring Reliability and Validation  RODRIGUEZ CONDIA JOSIE ESTEBAN  SONZA REORDA MATTEO  DAUIN - GR-05 - ELECTRONIC CAD & RELIABILITY GROUP - CAD