Ricerca CERCA


azienda TESI AZIENDA Analisi e miglioramento delle pratiche di test in una azienda di servizi  MORISIO MAURIZIO  GR-16 - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING GROUP - SOFTENG
Assessing existing Gamified tools for software testing  COPPOLA RICCARDO  DAUIN - GR-16 - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING GROUP - SOFTENG
Automated mutant generation for gamified Web testing  ARDITO LUCA  DAUIN - GR-16 - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING GROUP - SOFTENG
Automatic generation of functional tests from semi-formal models  SISTO RICCARDO  FORMAL METHODS FOR SOFTWARE ENGINEERING GROUP
Comparison of Capture & Replay testing tools for Android apps  ARDITO LUCA  MORISIO MAURIZIO  DAUIN - GR-16 - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING GROUP - SOFTENG
Comparison of model-based testing tools for Android apps  ARDITO LUCA  MORISIO MAURIZIO  DAUIN - GR-16 - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING GROUP - SOFTENG
Control and Data Flow Graph Analysys to Quickly Grade Functional Test Programs  BERNARDI PAOLO  QUER STEFANO  DAUIN - GR-05 - ELECTRONIC CAD and RELIABILITY GROUP - CAD  DAUIN - GR-13 - METODI FORMALI - FM
Crowdsourcing Gamified web application testing  COPPOLA RICCARDO  DAUIN - GR-16 - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING GROUP - SOFTENG
Development of a gamified platform to recognize "visual oracles" in GUI testing  COPPOLA RICCARDO  DAUIN - GR-16 - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING GROUP - SOFTENG
Development of a tool for fragility analysis of test suites  ARDITO LUCA  MORISIO MAURIZIO  DAUIN - GR-16 - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING GROUP - SOFTENG
Ensuring the Quality of the Mobile Application for Politecnico di Torino Students: Design and Implementation of Unit, Integration, and End-to-End Tests  ARDITO LUCA  MORISIO MAURIZIO  TORCHIANO MARCO  DAUIN - GR-16 - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING GROUP - SOFTENG
Gamification for Web testing: development of an in-browser tool  ARDITO LUCA  DAUIN - GR-16 - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING GROUP - SOFTENG
Web applications test fragility: analysis and evaluation of possible solutions  TORCHIANO MARCO  SOFTWARE ENGINEERING GROUP - SOFTENG