Ricerca CERCA


End-user visualization of trigger-action rules in a smart home  CORNO FULVIO  Intelligent and Interactive Systems - e-LITE
Event-driven dispatcher for the Internet of Things  CORNO FULVIO  Intelligent and Interactive Systems - e-LITE
High-level end-user programming in the Internet of Things  CORNO FULVIO  Intelligent and Interactive Systems - e-LITE
Internet of You: IoT meets your personal digital traces  CORNO FULVIO  Intelligent and Interactive Systems - e-LITE
A microservice architecture based on the AWS serverless paradigm for real-time IoT monitoring and assessment  SERVETTI ANTONIO  DAUIN - GR-11 - INTERNET MEDIA GROUP - IMG
A software architecture for database management in a real-time IoT monitoring service  SERVETTI ANTONIO  DAUIN - GR-11 - INTERNET MEDIA GROUP - IMG
Architettura di streaming Internet con servizi digitali innovativi per emittenti radio  SERVETTI ANTONIO  INTERNET MEDIA GROUP - IMG
Caro Diario: creare artefatti avanzati di documentazione per il Web  CORNO FULVIO  DE RUSSIS LUIGI  DAUIN - GR-10 - Intelligent and Interactive Systems - e-LITE
Collaborative acoustic atlas by means of webrtc  SERVETTI ANTONIO  DAUIN - GR-11 - INTERNET MEDIA GROUP - IMG
Collaborative acoustic atlas by means of webrtc  SERVETTI ANTONIO  DAUIN - GR-11 - INTERNET MEDIA GROUP - IMG
Collective sonic interaction with web-based applications  SERVETTI ANTONIO  DAUIN - GR-11 - INTERNET MEDIA GROUP - IMG
Collective sonic interaction with web-based applications  SERVETTI ANTONIO  DAUIN - GR-11 - INTERNET MEDIA GROUP - IMG
Comparison of web architectures for real-time IoT environmental monitoring  SERVETTI ANTONIO  DAUIN - GR-11 - INTERNET MEDIA GROUP - IMG
Comparison of web architectures for real-time IoT environmental monitoring  SERVETTI ANTONIO  DAUIN - GR-11 - INTERNET MEDIA GROUP - IMG
azienda TESI AZIENDA Confronto di tecnologie avanzate di testing in ambito web  COPPOLA RICCARDO  DAUIN - GR-16 - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING GROUP - SOFTENG
Creazione piattaforma web per gestione e elaborazione dati in ambito Automotive  GUELFI SILVANO  Rischio Competitivo e Valore d'Impresa
Dear Diary: experimenting with enhanced web development documentation artifacts  DE RUSSIS LUIGI  SAENZ MORENO JUAN PABLO  DAUIN - GR-10 - Intelligent and Interactive Systems - e-LITE
Development of a tool for analysing personal data tracked through web browsing  VETRO' ANTONIO  DAUIN - GR-22 - Nexa Center for Internet & Society - NEXA
Indoor Environmental Quality Web Application as Dashboard for IoT Continuous Monitoring and Assessment  SERVETTI ANTONIO  DAUIN - GR-11 - INTERNET MEDIA GROUP - IMG
Indoor Environmental Quality Web Application as Dashboard for IoT Continuous Monitoring and Assessment  SERVETTI ANTONIO  DAUIN - GR-11 - INTERNET MEDIA GROUP - IMG
Palazzi comunali medievali: ricerca storica e costruzione di un atlante digitale  CHIUSANO SILVIA ANNA  FIORI ALESSANDRO  GR-04 - DATABASE AND DATA MINING GROUP - DBDM
azienda TESI AZIENDA Piattaforma per misure di prestazione di sistemi anti-tracking  MELLIA MARCO  CCNE - COMMUNICATIONS AND COMPUTER NETWORKS ENGINEERING  Telecommunication Networks Group
Piattaforma web-based per la gestione di dati pre-clinici  FIORI ALESSANDRO  GR-04 - DATABASE AND DATA MINING GROUP - DBDM
Progetto e implementazione di sistemi di protezione della privacy su Internet basato su Machine Learning e Big Data  MELLIA MARCO  SmartData@PoliTO  Telecommunication Networks Group
Rendering audio remoto in real-time tramite API web audio  SERVETTI ANTONIO  GR-11 - INTERNET MEDIA GROUP - IMG
azienda TESI AZIENDA Sistema automatico di misura delle prestazioni di pagine web  MELLIA MARCO  Telecommunication Networks Group
Sviuppo modelli informatici di analisi delle performance d'impresa  GUELFI SILVANO  Rischio Competitivo e Valore d'Impresa
Ultra low latency music performance over the Internet  SERVETTI ANTONIO  DAUIN - GR-11 - INTERNET MEDIA GROUP - IMG
Ultra low latency music performance over the Internet  SERVETTI ANTONIO  DAUIN - GR-11 - INTERNET MEDIA GROUP - IMG
Valutazione di tecnologie avanzate per il test front-end  COPPOLA RICCARDO  DAUIN - GR-16 - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING GROUP - SOFTENG