The Politecnico
Students - Companies - Schools
2014 - 2015
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Student guide 2014 - 2015 (ord. D.M. 270/04)
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Bachelor in
Location: Torino - Class: INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING (L-9)
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Courses attended but still to pass. Overbooking
In the case of courses you have already selected in the previous academic years, but for which you did not pass the exam,  you must insert them in the plan of study before the others, which are inserted for the first time. In the list of courses you have to insert, there will be also courses which the student passed but for which registration have not occurred yet. Students must insert them again  in the Plan of Study. If the 80 credits limit is crossed, the courses included lately will appear in red as “ before exceeding”. However, the system permits to cross the limit in consideration of the still not registered exams, which you have to pass by the end of the autumn session .  Then, as these exam are registered, relative courses will be erased, and overbooked red exams will be released respecting the order of inclusion. This step involves exams within autumn session and closes usually some weeks after the September exam session. Courses that will not enter the Plan of Study, will be erased from the student personal webpage. The attendance to their classes and exams will not be possible. That’s why the student shall pay attention to insert courses in plan of study, not casually, but in order of importance.