The Politecnico
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2015 - 2016
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Student guide 2015 - 2016 (ord. D.M. 270/04)
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Master course in
Location: Torino - Class: CHEMICAL ENGINEERING (LM-22)
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Enrolment conditions (full-time or part-time) and pertaining deadlines
Students can choose between two different kinds of enrolment depending on the commitment they are willing to make in terms of study plan: full-time or part-time. 

Full-time students submit for each academic year a study plan consisting of maximum 80 credits, including the ones belonging to final project/thesis. In order to enroll to the new academic year as a full-time student it is necessary to comply with the following:

The Study Plan has to be compiled in these periods:
  • September 1st – September 25th 2015 for enrolments after first year 
  • Within 10 days from the enrollment for students applying to Master of Science courses
  • By December 18th for students at the end of their career only owing the credits related to the thesis.
The Plan of Study can be defined using both a self- service box and every Internet access through the sid@home procedure (for students enrolled before the academic year 2013/2014), or Career Plan (for students enrolled from the 2013/2014 academic year). You can find them in your personal page, from the Portale della Didattica.

The Study Plan can be compiled at the Registrar’s Office or using the self-service boxes or any Internet access through the section Compila il Piano Carriera/Carico Didatticoof the personal page on the Teaching Portal. Students enrolled until academic year 2012/2013 – not compiling Plan of study (“Piano carriera”) but only Study load (“Carico didattico”) - will have to insert the credits belonging to final project or thesis at least once in the study plan, during the whole period of studies.

Part-time students submit for each academic year a study plan consisting of maximum 36 credits, including the ones belonging to final project/thesis. In order to enroll to the new academic year as a part-time student it is necessary to comply with the following:

The Study Plan has to be compiled in these periods 
  • Study Plan with exams selected for the first time (exams that have never been selected in the previous years): September 1st 2015September 25th 2015;   
  • Study Plan with exams already selected in the previous academic years: September 1st 2015 – December 18th 2015
The Study Plan can be compiled at the Registrar’s Office or using the self-service boxes or any Internet access through the section Compila il Piano Carriera/Carico Didattico of the personal page on the Teaching Portal. 
The payment of the enrolment fee is concomitant to the confirmation of the study plan. We remind you that the payment of the enrolment fee is not sufficient to be regularly enrolled to the new academic year: it is necessary to compile a new study plan, even if there are not courses to insert (“empty study plan”, carico vuoto). 

For further clarification on payment methods and amounts, please refer to Fees Regulation. Students enrolled until academic year 2012/2013 – not compiling Plan of study (“Piano carriera”) but only Study load (“Carico didattico”) - will have to insert the credits belonging to final project or thesis at least once in the study load, during the whole period of studies: the payment of these credits has to be paid just once, only in the year in which they are inserted. 

N.B.: Students who have passed all the exams in the study load but are not graduating by the session of December 2015 (last session valid to be used with the a.y.2014/2015 enrolment) must enroll to academic year 2015/2016, if they wish to graduate in the new academic year. This operation needs to be completed through the procedure to compile the study load, even if there are not exams to insert and pass (“empty study load with final project or thesis”).