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Erasmus+ is the EU Programme in the fields of education, training, youth and sport. It came into force on 1st January 2014, thus integrating and replacing the Lifelong Learning Programme for the next 7 years. The Programme creates a single reference framework, building up on past experiences and integrating activities that were previously implemented by means of separate programmes; it also covers actions in the field of sport, a new European competence.  More specifically, the Programme offers funding opportunities in the fields of study, training, teaching and international volunteering. The Erasmus+ main targets are university students, students in vocational education, trainers, teachers, interns and young workers. By establishing interinstitutional agreements, every University declares its intention to cooperate with a number of Universities from other eligible countries of the Erasmus+ Programme, and it specifies the type of cooperation that will be implemented with each partner.

International mobility for students enrolled in Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes  is promoted in order to allow them to spend one semester abroad taking official courses that will be recognized by the university of origin. The participation in the Erasmus+ Programme is primarily foreseen during the third year of the Bachelor’s degree programme, while students enrolled in Master’s degree programmes mainly go abroad during their second year of study. In accordance with what has been agreed with the Erasmus+ Local Coordinator before departure, exams taken abroad with a positive outcome will be validated by Politecnico and students will be recognized the maximum number of credits for the semester or year of enrolment.

In order to accept foreign exchange students, partner universities often want them to meet  specific language requirements. Moreover the European Union, with an eye to strengthening transversal competences for employment (i.e., proactiveness, digital and language competences), has urged all participating universities to specify the admission language requirements in  the mobility agreement. The European Union has also recommended the language level to be raised up to B1. Therefore, Politecnico includes in the Erasmus+ Call for applications all the information provided by  host universities with regard to language requirements, including possible compulsory language certifications, if it is the case.  

Please note: in the Annual Personal Study Plan referred to the year of mobility, we suggest students to insert some optional courses, in order to simplify the equivalence with courses offered in foreign universities. In any case, the Learning Agreement (the  study programme abroad) must be agreed upon with the Erasmus+ Local Coordinator. It must be carefully filled in, bearing in mind that upon return students might need to attend the compulsory courses which were not available at the host university.