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PEGASUS European Aerospace Network
Politecnico di Torino is one of the founding members of the PEGASUS network (Partnership of a European Group of Aeronautics and Space Universities), which is currently made up of 25 European Universities (plus 4 associated members in extra-EU countries). Their common goal is to offer high quality study opportunities in the field Aerospace engineering at Master of Science level. Not only does the PEGASUS network aim at encouraging Erasmus mobility among its members, but it also supports the European aerospace industry in understanding the different national academic systems. It also provides international internship opportunities and certifies the high quality of studies.  

For this purpose, when Politecnico students successfully complete their Master’s degree programme in Aerospace Engineering, together with their degree, they receive one of the following certifications, signed both by the Rector of Politecnico di Torino and the president of PEGASUS: 

1. the PEGASUS Certificate, awarded to all students who graduate in Aerospace Engineering at Politecnico di Torino. With this certificate, all PEGASUS universities certify the equal quality of their programmes;    

2.  the PEGASUS A.W.A.R.D. (Achievement through Working Abroad for academic Research or industrial Development projects), is awarded,  in addition to the PEGASUS Certificate, only to students who have spent at least 5 months of their academic career abroad (in the framework of the Erasmus project or other exchange programmes). With this certificate, PEGASUS universities recognize the multinational study experience. The names of the students who receive the AWARD are registered in the permanent PEGASUS database and are at the disposal of  the European aerospace industry.   

The same certificates are awarded by the other PEGASUS Universities. Of course these certifications have no legal effects, but they allow an aerospace engineer from Politecnico di Torino to apply for a vacancy at a company in Germany, France, etc…and demonstrate that local national universities recognize the same instruction quality level. The AWARD also certifies that the engineer has a multinational experience that provided him/her with specific language and cultural skills.  

Since 2005, the PEGASUS network has been organizing an annual Student Conference in Europe, in cooperation with the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA). This conference has the goal of prizing the best Master’s thesis in Aerospace engineering, carried out at partner universities. The winner at European level is offered the opportunity to take part in the final contest in the USA,  where he/she will compete with the winners of the same US contests.     

For further information on the PEGASUS network and related initiatives: