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Location: Torino - Class: ENERGY AND NUCLEAR ENGINEERING (LM-30)
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Enrolment in single courses
Enrolment in single courses offered by Politecnico di Torino is possible in the following cases:  

  1. for the preparation for an open competitive exam, for professional updating and profesional requalification, up to a maximum of 20 credits, if  you hold a Upper secondary school diploma; 

  2. if you are a student enrolled at a foreign university and you want to boost your learning path, up to a maximum of 36 credits

  3. if you need to make up unfulfilled academic requirements in order to enrol in a Master’s degree programme, and you have been denied admission, up to a maximum of 60 credits (more information is available in the section “Regole di Accesso”/”Admission regulations” – “Requisiti curricolari”/“Curricular requirements" – Apply portal - Lauree Magistrali/ Master’s degree programmes 2016/2017 a.y.);

  4. if you lack the admission language requirement (IELTS certificate of English language knowledge or equivalent certification), when apply for admission in a Master’s degree programme for which the language requirement is compulsory (more information is available in the section “Regole di Accesso”/”Admission regulations” – Requisiti linguisitici/"Language requirements”- Apply portal -  Lauree Magistrali/ Master’s degree programmes 2016/2017 a.y.).
    If you meet all the other requirements (“Curricular requirements” and “Appropriate personal education”), this type of enrolment allows you to follow the courses and take the exams offered during first semester of the Master’s first year, without any delay in your academic career. The language certificate shall be obtained within the deadline for enrolment in the Master’s degree programme in second semester.           

case 1 – in order to register and choose the courses you wish to enrol on, you must use the Apply procedure (on-line enrolment service), "Scegli il percorso/Singoli insegnamenti", by:
  • 23rd September 2016 (for first- semester courses of the Engineering area)
  • 1st March 2017 (for second-semester courses of the Engineering area)
  • 26th September 2016  (for first-semester courses of the Architecture area)
  • 1st March 2017 (for second-semester courses of the Architecture area)
You will have to wait for the application outcome, which will be available on your Apply personal page under the section “Valutazioni”/”Evaluations”. If your application is accepted, you can officially enrol on the approved courses (on-line enrolment only).

case 2 update of 23rd November 2016
in order to register and choose the courses you wish to enrol on, you must use the Apply procedure (on-line enrolment service), "Scegli il percorso/Singoli insegnamenti", by:
  • 23rd September 2016 (for first- semester courses of the Engineering area)
  • 1st March 2017 (for second-semester courses of the Engineering area)
  • 26th September 2016  (for first-semester courses of the Architecture area)
  • 1st March 2017 (for second-semester courses of the Architecture area
You will have to wait for the application outcome, which will be available on your Apply personal page under the section “Valutazioni”/”Evaluations”. If your application is accepted, you can officially enrol on the approved courses (enrolement must take place using the online procedure exclusively, and only after the Incoming Mobility Office has evaluated your documents).

For further information please contact the Incoming Mobility Office – International Affairs Area: 

case 3 – on your Apply personal page, under the section “Valutazioni”/”Evaluations”, you can see the outcome of your rejected admission application and the list of exams you have to take in order to make up your unfulfilled academic requirements.  In order to enrol, you have to click on “Procedi con l’iscrizione ai singoli insegnamenti”/”Enrol to single courses” and select the suggested courses.

The deadlines for enrolment are:

  • 4th November 2016 (*) (for first- semester courses of the Engineering area)
  • 31st March 2017 (for second-semester courses of the Engineering area)
  • 4th october 2016 (*)  (for first-semester courses of the Architecture area)
  • 1st March 2017 (for second-semester courses of the Architecture area
(*) Candidates who have obtained their Bachelor’s degree by September 2016 are strongly encouraged to enrol within the month of September, in order to be able to use all services from the beginning of classes.  

PLEASE NOTE that this type of enrolment cannot include any course belonging to a Master’s degree programme, as it is intended for the remedial of unfulfilled academic requirements for the admission to the programme itself.

case 4 -  on your Apply personal page, under the section “Valutazioni”/”Evaluations”, you can see the outcome of your admission application which was rejected because you did not have the certificate of English knowledge (IELTS or equivalent certification) at the time of on-line enrolment. In order to proceed with enrolment, you need to click on  “Procedi con l’iscrizione ai singoli insegnamenti”/”Enrol to single courses” and select first-semester courses of the Master’s first year (these courses will show by default); confirm the courses by using "Riepilogo e conferma/Summary and confirmation" and complete the enrolment from the section "Valutazioni/Evaluations", within the following deadlines:

  • 4th November 2016 (Engineering area)
  • 26th september 2016 (Architecture area)

Please note that the EQUIVALENCE CRITERIA with the IELTS certificate are the following:
  • table of the language certificates that are considered equivalent to the ILETS certificate by the Language Centre:;
  • at least one year of school attendance at a higher education institute in which the medium of instruction is English. In this case the school must release a certificate stating that "The medium of instruction is English”.
  • a foreign high school diploma recognized by the Italian Ministry of Education and Research as equivalent to the Italian “diploma di maturità”, or a higher qualification awarded by a higher education institute in which the medium of instruction is English. In this case the school must release a certificate stating that” The medium of instruction is English”. 

 In all cases:
  • Tuition fees are composed of a fixed fee (351,44 Euro) plus 16 Euro for each purchased credit. Please note that a bank commission of 1% of the total amount  will be applied to credit card payments.  
  • You will be able to sit the exams only when classes come to an end.  
  • The Office of the University Registrar is in charge of issuing the certificates for this type of enrolment.  
  • Passed exams can be recognized in case of subsequent enrolment in a degree programme at Politecnico di Torino.

We remind you that enrolment in single courses:
  • is incompatible with enrolment in any other Italian university programme: you are not allowed to have an active academic career at any other Italian university.
  • is valid for one academic year only: this means that, if you had purchased a course for a certain academic year, but you have not passed the exam by the last examination session of that academic year (September), you need to make a new enrolment in single courses in the following academic year, and you have to buy the credits again in order to be able to sit the exam and register the grade.  

We cannot accept enrolment applications for:
  • First-year courses belonging to any Bachelor’s degree programme;
  • Laboratories, Studios, Workshops and Design Units of the Architecture area;
  • Courses belonging to degree programmes of the Engineering area  (including courses offered in years following the first)  if such programmes  are capped to a limited number of students;
  • Courses “Safety on construction site” and “Risk evaluation and management in the industry and construction sites”: in accordance with Legislative Decree No. 81/2008 the corresponding certificate can be awarded only to students who are regularly enrolled in this degree programme.

    Enrolment in the above mentioned courses will be granted only to those students who need to make up unfulfilled academic requirements in order to be admitted to a Master’s degree programme. When you insert one of the above mentioned courses, the information will show on your Apply personal page.