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2017 - 2018
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Student guide 2017 - 2018 (ord. D.M. 270/04)
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Location: Torino - Class: ARCHITECTURE (L-17)
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How to prepare your APSP and how to enrol: procedure and deadlines
How to prepare the APSP for FULL-TIME enrolment
In order to prepare your APSP for FULL-TIME enrolment in the new academic year you need to log into your personal page of the Teaching Portal. 
You have to log into Segreteria on-line, get access to the service named Compila il piano carriera/carico didattico (Fill in the Personal Study Plan/Annual Personal Study Plan) and follow the steps (keep in mind the rules for incomplete courses, overbooking  courses and pre-requisites).
The procedure is guided and can be repeated until the deadline. It ends when your APSP is completed. 
The Final Project/Thesis credits must be added to the APSP  of the year in which you intend to start your Final Project/Thesis. Therefore they must be included within the maximum limit of 80 credits.
When you enrol for the next academic year, your new APSP will already include the Final Project/Thesis credits. This means that   they do not count towards the maximum limit.
You are allowed to add 5 extra credits with respect to the maximum limit, but this can happen only if your APSP includes all the courses/exams which are still pending for the attainment of the degree, including the Final Project/Thesis credits.
You are allowed to exceed the 85-credit limit in order to add the Final Project/Thesis credits. For these additional credits you are required to pay a fee within the deadlines illustrated in the Tuition Fee Guide for a.y. 2017/2018.

The time frame for the preparation of the Annual Personal Study Plan with old courses (that had been already inserted in previous years) and/or new courses (to be included for the first time) is: 26th July 2017 – 21st  September 2017

*Update of September the 22nd

The deadline for definition of study plan has been postponed to October the 6th 2017. Instead the deadline of September the 21st 2017 for the choice of courses is unvaried.

Enrolment confirmation
After completing  your APSP, you need to confirm your enrolment for the new a.y. You  must log into the service named Compila il piano carriera/carico didattico - Iscrizione  (Fill in the Personal Study Plan/Annual Personal Study Plan – Enrolment ) and pay the first instalment of your tuition fees by 9th October 2017. Payment terms and methods are illustrated in the Tuition Fee Guide for a.y. 2017/2018.

How to prepare the APSP for PART-TIME enrolment
In order to enrol for the new academic year as a part-time student  you need to log into your personal page of the Teaching Portal.
You  must log into Segreteria on-line, get access to the service named Compila il piano carriera/carico didattico (Fill in the Personal Study Plan/Annual Personal Study Plan) and follow the steps (keep in mind the rules for incomplete courses, overbooking  courses and pre-requisites).  
The procedure is guided and can be repeated until the deadline but only if you want to add new credits  (credits previously included in the APSP cannot be modified nor removed). It ends when you complete your APSP and pay the amount of money shown at the end of the procedure.
The Final Project/Thesis credits must be added to the APSP  of the year in which you intend to start your Final Project/Thesis. Therefore they must be included within the maximum limit of 40 credits. If you enrol in the following academic year, your new APSP will already include the Final Project/Thesis credits. This means that   they do not count towards the maximum limit.
You are allowed to add 5 extra credits with respect to the maximum limit, but this can happen only if your APSP includes all the courses/exams which are still pending for the attainment of the degree, including the final project/thesis credits.

The time frame for the preparation of the Annual Personal Study Plan with  new courses (to be included for the first time) is: 26th July 2017 – 21th  September 2017.

*Update of September the 22nd

The deadline for definition of study plan has been postponed to October the 6th 2017. Instead the deadline of September the 21st 2017 for the choice of courses is unvaried.

The time frame for the preparation of the Annual Personal Study Plan for students with courses that had already been inserted in previous academic years, or for students at the end of their academic career who only have the thesis credits still pending, is: 26th July 2017 – 19th December 2017.

Enrolment confirmation
Your enrolment for the a.y. is finalized when you complete your APSP. Payment terms and the amount to be paid are illustrated in the Tuition Fee Guide for a.y. 2017/2018.