Internships are offered to students as the first real chance to
experience the world of work. Politecnico di Torino promotes internships and
guarantees insurance coverage both for civil liability and occupational
injuries and diseases. The Office of Career Services (internships and
placements) offers an information and tutoring service for students and
graduates, so that activities can take place in the proper way. The Office is
located at the Cittadella politecnica, Corso Castelfidardo 39 (ground floor, on
the left compared to Infopoli). Internships are organized according to
different procedures and criteria, depending on the degree programme. The
intern is required to follow the instructions received by the academic tutor
and by the company tutor, as far as training and organizational needs are
concerned. The intern must comply with the disciplinary regulations and the
Occupational Safety and Health rules that are in force in the company or
institution where the internship takes place.
Office of Career Services (internships and placements) Castelfidardo, 39
Opening times: Tuesday - Thursday 9.30 – 12.30
Telephone: (+39) (Tuesday - Thursday 14.00 – 16.00)
Fax: (+39)
web site: