The Politecnico
Students - Companies - Schools
2017 - 2018
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Student guide 2017 - 2018 (ord. D.M. 270/04)
Nuovo ordinamento (D.M. 270/04)
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Student guide 2022 - 2023
Student guide 2021 - 2022
Student guide 2020 - 2021
Student guide 2019 - 2020
Student guide 2018 - 2019
Student guide 2017 - 2018
Student guide 2016 - 2017
Student guide 2015 - 2016
Student guide 2014 - 2015
Student guide 2013 - 2014
Student guide 2012 - 2013
Student guide 2011 - 2012
Student guide 2010 - 2011
Master course in
Location: Torino - Class: DESIGN (LM-12)
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Official communications, privacy and data protection

Official communications
Politecnico official communications
The institutional mailbox assigned to every student upon enrolment  is the official mean that Politecnico uses to communicate with its students.
The e-mail address has the following format: s<student_number>
This account will remain active even after you complete your studies.

If you need some information or you want to solve a problem related with your academic career, tuition fees, scholarships etc., first of all you should use the “Ticketing” support service in order to contact the Office of Student Services or other offices of the Division of Student Affairs. To use the Ticketing service, log into your personal page, choose the “Ticket” label from the main menu bar and select the desired topic or office.   Alternatively, you can use the services offered by our Offices by  going there in person during opening hours which are available at:        

If you need to collect or turn in some documents, but you cannot  do it in person, you can authorize a trusted person to do it on your behalf . The authorized person needs to show a signed authorization letter (proxy), his/her identification document and a readable photocopy of your identification document.
In compliance with the "Code regarding the protection of personal data" (Legislative Decree No. 196), you need to receive the following information regarding the processing of your personal data.
Owner of the database is Politecnico di Torino, represented by the Rector, with legal seat in Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24-10129 Torino.
The person in charge of the student data is the Head of the Division of Student Affairs.

The personal data collected and kept by Politecnico are the following:  
  • personal details provided by you
  • data on your previous school career provided upon enrolment
  • information on your academic career at Politecnico di Torino (curriculum, passed exams, qualifications obtained)
  • payments (tuition and fees, arrears, sanctions)
  • any self-certification that you might have submitted for fee reduction
  • scholarships won from Politecnico di Torino, Edisu (Ente Regionale per il Diritto allo Studio Universitario) or other entities
  • part-time on-campus jobs at Politecnico di Torino
  • any sanction received
  • disability documentation, if submitted

Politecnico will process your personal data for internal use only and exclusively for legitimate institutional purposes; for this reason your data are transmitted to our internal offices (so they can carry on their activities), without any further notification.

Your data are disclosed outside the University in the following cases:

  • if the request comes from other public authorities and if your data are strictly necessary for their institutional purposes (for instance, some information is periodically exchanged with the following institutions: Ministero dell'Istruzione, dell'Università e della Ricerca, Anagrafe Nazionale degli Studenti, Ministero delle Finanze, Ministero degli Affari Esteri, Ente Regionale per il Diritto allo studio universitario, Istat, Agenzia Nazionale per la Valutazione dell’Università e della Ricerca, Osservatorio Regionale per l'Università e per il diritto allo studio Universitario)
  • if your data is requested by the Italian judicial authority.  

When you register for the Final Examination, you will be asked to agree on the transmission of certain personal data (expressly specified) to private companies or entities which declare to use them uniquely for the promotion of job opportunities, training and cultural activities.

When you fill in the on-line application form for a Specializing Master course, jointly organized with an external partner (private company/entity), you might be asked to authorize the transmission of your data for activities in the field of training support or for initiatives aimed at encouraging the entrance to the job market. Such authorization prohibits any other type of data processing and disclosure.

In any case, you hold the right to know whether the University is in possession of your personal data or not, by submitting a written request to the Head of the Division of Student Affairs. You are entitled to ask for cancellation, blocking or modification of your data, provided that this does not undermine the possibility of Politecnico di Torino to carry out its institutional tasks.